zhilin007 / FFA-Net

FFA-Net: Feature Fusion Attention Network for Single Image Dehazing

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re-implement result on RESIDE

PhanVinhLong opened this issue · comments

I used your code to train and test on RESIDE V0 dataset but I got the result 0.84/20.57 (SSIM/PSNR) for indoor task. Was I wrong at any step?

Same here. Bad results.

@PhanVinhLong Have you found any solutions? plz tell me :)

I am also unable to replicate the result for ITS dataset using the command given in README.
Is someone able to get the results by training the model from scratch.

I believe so.

@PhanVinhLong @Rico1214 My result is the same(PSNR≈21 SSIM≈0.87). Have you solved it?

@SunLeL The results authors reported are trained on standard, while the data in v0 dataset look bad and unnatural, so we cannot expect ideal results on v0.

@kimosalty did you successfully reproduce the results with RESIDE-standard? It seems like even in the RESIDE-standard setting, it doesn't work