zhihu / cuBERT

Fast implementation of BERT inference directly on NVIDIA (CUDA, CUBLAS) and Intel MKL

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

在进行build时执行cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DcuBERT_ENABLE_MKL_SUPPORT=ON .. make -j4,报错

manutd12 opened this issue · comments

make -j4
在执行 make -j4时,报了如下图中的错误。请问如何解决呢?

[ 34%] Performing update step for 'protobuf'
[ 34%] No patch step for 'protobuf'
[ 35%] Performing configure step for 'protobuf'

  • autoreconf -f -i -Wall,no-obsolete
    aclocal: couldn't open directory `m4': 没有那个文件或目录
    autoreconf: aclocal failed with exit status: 1
    make[2]: *** [protobuf/src/protobuf-stamp/protobuf-configure] 错误 1
    make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/protobuf.dir/all] 错误 2

需要安装 autotools (autoconf, automake, libtool)

需要安装 autotools (autoconf, automake, libtool)

您好,安装 autotools后此问题解决了。但是在build过程中又遇到一个新的问题。
如下所示,在进行到Built target tf_protos_cc这一步时,download速度特别慢,12个小时只下载了6%。请问这一步是在下载什么内容,有什么方式可以加快下载速度呢?谢谢!

[ 40%] Completed 'protobuf-c'
[ 40%] Built target protobuf-c
[ 41%] Running C protocol buffer compiler on tensorflow/core/framework/versions.proto
[ 42%] Running C protocol buffer compiler on tensorflow/core/framework/attr_value.proto
[ 43%] Running C protocol buffer compiler on tensorflow/core/framework/graph.proto
[ 44%] Running C protocol buffer compiler on tensorflow/core/framework/node_def.proto
[ 46%] Running C protocol buffer compiler on tensorflow/core/framework/resource_handle.proto
[ 46%] Running C protocol buffer compiler on tensorflow/core/framework/function.proto
[ 46%] Running C protocol buffer compiler on tensorflow/core/framework/op_def.proto
[ 47%] Running C protocol buffer compiler on tensorflow/core/framework/tensor.proto
[ 48%] Running C protocol buffer compiler on tensorflow/core/framework/types.proto
[ 49%] Running C protocol buffer compiler on tensorflow/core/framework/tensor_shape.proto
Scanning dependencies of target tf_protos_cc
[ 50%] Building C object CMakeFiles/tf_protos_cc.dir/tensorflow/core/framework/attr_value.pb-c.c.o
[ 51%] Building C object CMakeFiles/tf_protos_cc.dir/tensorflow/core/framework/node_def.pb-c.c.o
[ 52%] Building C object CMakeFiles/tf_protos_cc.dir/tensorflow/core/framework/op_def.pb-c.c.o
[ 54%] Building C object CMakeFiles/tf_protos_cc.dir/tensorflow/core/framework/graph.pb-c.c.o
[ 54%] Building C object CMakeFiles/tf_protos_cc.dir/tensorflow/core/framework/function.pb-c.c.o
[ 55%] Building C object CMakeFiles/tf_protos_cc.dir/tensorflow/core/framework/tensor.pb-c.c.o
[ 55%] Building C object CMakeFiles/tf_protos_cc.dir/tensorflow/core/framework/resource_handle.pb-c.c.o
[ 58%] Building C object CMakeFiles/tf_protos_cc.dir/tensorflow/core/framework/tensor_shape.pb-c.c.o
[ 58%] Building C object CMakeFiles/tf_protos_cc.dir/tensorflow/core/framework/types.pb-c.c.o
[ 58%] Building C object CMakeFiles/tf_protos_cc.dir/tensorflow/core/framework/versions.pb-c.c.o
[ 59%] Linking C static library libtf_protos_cc.a
[ 59%] Built target tf_protos_cc
-- [download 5% complete]
-- [download 6% complete]

下载 protobuf,自己用 vpn 吧