zheeeng / react-device-frameset

React device frameset component

Home Page:https://react-device-frameset.zheeeng.me

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Unclear how to scale size of device frames

LiamJSP opened this issue · comments

I have tried using the width/height props but setting these to any numerical values produces inconsistent scaling, some of the frame scales while other parts do not.

As a workaround I was able to resize the entire frame properly using transform: scale() CSS on the outer wrapper div, but this obviously will leave empty space as transform doesn't cause the layout to reflow.

Any hint how I'm supposed to properly resize with props?

Sorry for there are no suggested hint for you currently, maybe I need to revise a configurable 'scale' option and change the element's box-sizing from fixed pixels size to relative size.

No problem just figured I'd check I wasn't using the prop wrong. Thanks for this!

I would like to know this as well. Trying to use MacBook Pro at 90% zoom, but it's not clear at all from the docs as to what values are expected?