zhaoforever / AAS_enhancement

This repository contains the code and supplementary result for the paper "Unpaired Speech Enhancement by Acoustic and Adversarial Supervision".

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This repository contains the code and supplementary result for the paper "Unpaired Speech Enhancement by Acoustic and Adversarial Supervision" (submitted to IEEE Signal Processing Letters).

Part 1. Pre-train acoustic model on clean speech

Code for this part is originated from https://github.com/SeanNaren/deepspeech.pytorch/. We modify the feature from spectrogram to log-Mel filterbank output (LMFB), and 2D convolutional layer to 1D convolutional layer.


  1. cd AM_training
  2. Install Warp-CTC, ctcdecode (See https://github.com/SeanNaren/deepspeech.pytorch/#installation).
  3. Install kenLM (See https://github.com/kpu/kenlm) and download 4-gram trained on librispeech in here
  4. Install other requirements by
pip install -r requirements.txt


We trained acoustic model on Librispeech corpus. To download and setup Librispeech, see https://github.com/SeanNaren/deepspeech.pytorch/#librispeech


You can train the acoustic model used in the paper with command below:

python train.py --gpu 0 --expnum 1  --batch_size 30 --conv_layers 2 --conv_map 128 --conv_kernel 11 --conv_stride 2 --rnn_layers 5 --rnn_size 1000 --lr 1e-4

The pre-trained acoustic model (librispeech_final.pth.tar) can be available in this link.


Generate grapheme probability estimated from the acoustic model on validation data.

python test.py --model_path models/librispeech_final.pth.tar --test_manifest data/libri_val_cl.csv --gpu 0 --output_path decoding/out_valid

Next, beam search by combining AM and 4-gram LM score. Find the optimal (alpha, beta) which achieves the lowest WER on the validation data. We search (alpha, beta) by 6x6 grid search. The range of alpha and beta are 1.0 ~ 3.0 and 0.0 ~ 0.5

python tune_decoder.py --model_path models/librispeech_final.pth.tar --test_manifest data/libri_val_cl.csv --logits decoding/out_valid.npy --log_path decoding/log_valid.json --result_path decoding/result_valid.json --beam_width 100 --lm_path ../kenLM/4-gram.bin --lm_num_alphas 6 --lm_num_betas 6 --lm-alpha-from 1.0 --lm-alpha-to 3.0 --lm-beta-from 0.0 --lm-beta-to 0.5

With a given alpha = 0.4, beta = 2.2 repeat the procedures on test data.

python test.py --model_path models/librispeech_final.pth.tar --test_manifest data/libri_te_cl.csv --gpu 0 --output_path decoding/out_test

python tune_decoder.py --model_path models/librispeech_final.pth.tar --test_manifest data/libri_te_cl.csv --logits decoding/out_test.npy --log_path decoding/log_test.json --result_path decoding/result_test.json --beam_width 100 --lm_path ../kenLM/4-gram.bin --lm_num_alphas 1 --lm_num_betas 1 --lm-alpha-from 0.4 --lm-alpha-to 0.4 --lm-beta-from 2.2 --lm-beta-to 2.2


The pre-trained acoustic model combined with the 4-gram LM achieves a WER of 5.7% on the test-clean of Librispech, which is competitive with DNN-HMM (5.3%, Panayotov et al.)

Part 2. Speech Enhancement with Acoustic and Adversarial Supervision (AAS)

We provide the procedure to reproduce the results of AAS tested on CHiME-4.

Dataset: CHiME-4 (single channel track)

We tested 'Acoustic and Adversarial Supervision (AAS)' on CHiME-4 single channel track. To download and setup CHiME-4, see http://spandh.dcs.shef.ac.uk/chime_challenge/chime2016/download.html You can choose training data as simulated, real or both of them.

Train AAS

Below command train the speech enhancement model with AAS. The speech enhancer (E) has 4layers of bidirectional LSTM-RNN, and weights for adversarial loss is 100000.

python main.py --trainer AAS --DB_name chime --rnn_size 500 --rnn_layers 4 --ASR_path ../AM_training/models/librispeech_final.pth.tar  --w_adversarial 100000

Train other methods

Minimizing DCE

Below command train the speech enhancement model by minimizing the distance between clean and enhanced LMFB (DCE). This method requires simulated pair between clean and noisy speech.

python main.py --trainer minimize_DCE --DB_name chime --rnn_size 500 --rnn_layers 4 --ASR_path ../AM_training/models/librispeech_final.pth.tar 

Below command train the FSEGAN with weights for adversarial loss as 0.01. This method requires simulated pair between clean and noisy speech.

python main.py --trainer FSEGAN --DB_name chime --rnn_size 500 --rnn_layers 4 --ASR_path ../AM_training/models/librispeech_final.pth.tar --w_adversarial 0.01


Visualize enhanced sample

CHiME4, enhancement of bus noise on simulated data

CHiME4, enhancement of street noise on simulated data


WERs(%) of different speech enhancement methods on CHiME4-simulated test set

WERs(%) of obtained using different training data of CHiME4

CHiME4, enhancement of bus noise on simulated data

CHiME4, enhancement of street noise on simulated data


WERs(%) of different speech enhancement methods on CHiME4-simulated test set

WERs(%) of obtained using different training data of CHiME4

with various task weight
without enhancement
with spectral subtraction
with minimized DCE
with AAS
with clean speech


This repository contains the code and supplementary result for the paper "Unpaired Speech Enhancement by Acoustic and Adversarial Supervision".


Language:Python 100.0%