zhaofengli / nix-homebrew

Homebrew installation manager for nix-darwin

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Unable to use services

Karrq opened this issue · comments

I tried enabling emacs-plus' service, but an error occurs when the service is configured.

setting up user launchd services...
Homebrew bundle...
Using emacs-plus
Error: cannot load such file -- /Homebrew/service
/nix/store/ys4kqcgld76ys01x4m6czj2l7kbn66f8-source/lib/service/formula_wrapper.rb:206:in `require_relative'
/nix/store/ys4kqcgld76ys01x4m6czj2l7kbn66f8-source/lib/service/formula_wrapper.rb:206:in `load_service'
/nix/store/ys4kqcgld76ys01x4m6czj2l7kbn66f8-source/lib/service/formula_wrapper.rb:67:in `service_startup?'
/nix/store/ys4kqcgld76ys01x4m6czj2l7kbn66f8-source/lib/service/services_cli.rb:280:in `service_load'
/nix/store/ys4kqcgld76ys01x4m6czj2l7kbn66f8-source/lib/service/services_cli.rb:122:in `block in start'
/nix/store/ys4kqcgld76ys01x4m6czj2l7kbn66f8-source/lib/service/services_cli.rb:97:in `each'
/nix/store/ys4kqcgld76ys01x4m6czj2l7kbn66f8-source/lib/service/services_cli.rb:97:in `start'
/nix/store/ys4kqcgld76ys01x4m6czj2l7kbn66f8-source/lib/service/commands/restart.rb:31:in `run'
/opt/homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-services/cmd/services.rb:126:in `services'
/opt/homebrew/Library/Homebrew/brew.rb:94:in `<main>'

I have the same error when just using brew services to list the available services

You need to add the homebrew/homebrew-services tap manually in your config, just like the others.

I actually did, I added homebrew-services to my flake inputs and then specified "homebrew/homebrew-services" = inputs.homebrew-services" in my nix-homebrew.taps

These re my taps:

taps = with inputs; {
      "homebrew/homebrew-bundle" = homebrew-bundle;
      "homebrew/homebrew-core" = homebrew-core;
      "homebrew/homebrew-cask" = homebrew-cask;
      "homebrew/homebrew-services" = homebrew-services;
      "d12frosted/homebrew-emacs-plus" = emacs-plus;

What about your nix-darwin.homebrew.taps?

That's left null actually - I had an issue before when I tried specifying my taps there...

Well that didn't cause issue like I saw before, but I still can't use brew services

Well that didn't cause issue like I saw before, but I still can't use brew services

why not?

Same error as before...

This is due to brew services using ruby's require_relative.


# The purpose of this function is to lazy load the Homebrew::Service class
# and avoid nameclashes with the current Service module.
# It should be used instead of calling formula.service directly.
def load_service
  require_relative "../../../../../Homebrew/service"


The file it's looking for is /opt/homebrew/Library/Homebrew/service.rb but when taps are in the Nix store it resolves to /nix/store/Homebrew/service.rb. Using require_relative seems like bad practice although I know next to nothing about ruby. I just edited the file and changed it to require_relative "/opt/homebrew/Library/Homebrew/service" to see if that worked and it did.

I have no idea how to implement a real fix.

Okay, this feels like an absolutely ridiculous way to fix this, but I ended up applying a patch to the homebrew-services flake input. I'll include the patch and an abridged version of my configuration.

--- a/lib/service/formula_wrapper.rb	2024-06-08 17:48:09.693241764 -0500
+++ b/lib/service/formula_wrapper.rb	2024-06-08 17:49:08.262498938 -0500
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@
     # and avoid nameclashes with the current Service module.
     # It should be used instead of calling formula.service directly.
     def load_service
-      require_relative "../../../../../Homebrew/service"
+      require_relative "/opt/homebrew/Library/Homebrew/service"

In the flake inputs:

homebrew-services = {
  url = "github:homebrew/homebrew-services";
  flake = false;

In the outputs:

darwinConfigurations = nixpkgs.lib.genAttrs darwinSystems (
  system: let
    user = "harry";
    homebrew-services-patched = nixpkgs.legacyPackages."${system}".applyPatches {
      name = "homebrew-services-patched";
      src = homebrew-services;
      patches = [./homebrew-services.patch];
    darwin.lib.darwinSystem {
      modules = [
          nix-homebrew = {
            inherit user;
            enable = true;
            taps = {
              "homebrew/homebrew-core" = homebrew-core;
              "homebrew/homebrew-cask" = homebrew-cask;
              "homebrew/homebrew-bundle" = homebrew-bundle;
              "homebrew/homebrew-services" = homebrew-services-patched;
            mutableTaps = false;
            autoMigrate = true;

Obviously I have removed a lot of my configuration just to shorten things but you get the gist of it.