zhanxw / awesome-tools

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This repo includes a list fo handy tools.

Text Processing

exa - ls alternative

ripgrep - fast alternative to grep

bat - cat alternative with colored outputs

xsv - handle CSV files xsv table to tabulate outputs

sd - sed alternative, e.g. echo "sample with /path/" | sd '.*(/.*/)' '$1', much eaiser than sed: echo "sample with /path/" | sed -E 's|.*(/.*/)|\1|g'

cat - cat alternative

jless - JSON viewer, similar to fx but faster.

File Processing

fd - find alternative cargo install fd-find

diskus - a parallel version of du -sh

crabz - gzip parallel compression/decompression tool

Programming Related

hexyl - a hex viewer

git-cliff - generate git changelogs

tokei - count lines of codes

System Utilities

hyperfine - simple benchmark tool
