zhangsz1998 / Self-Expressive-Network

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Self-Expressive Network

This repository contians the Pytorch implementation of our paper Learning a Self-Expressive Networl for Subspace Clustering


Download datasets.zip from

# dataset: MNIST, EMNIST, FashionMNIST, CIFAR10
python main.py --dataset=MNIST

Feature Generation

The preprocessed features (Scattering transform for MNIST/FashonMNIST/EMNIST, MCR$^2$ for CIFAR10) are already provided in ./datasets folder. Code for feature generation for MNIST, Fashion and EMNIST are provided in feature generation.py.

# dataset: MNIST, EMNIST, FashionMNIST, CIFAR10
python feature_generation.py --dataset=MNIST

For MCR$^2$ feature generation, please refer to ryanchankh/mcr2.


Files under ./datasets were not properly uploaded, you may download the datasets from here.


Please contact zhangshangzhi@bupt.edu.cn if you have any question on the codes.


License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%