zhangqianhui / GazeAnimation

Give a portrait face, move the gaze up (ACM MM 2020)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Pretrain model

shalinidemello opened this issue · comments

Also, I get an error when I try to download the pre-trained model. Where can I obtain the pre-trained model for testing?

Tomorrow, I will upload the pretrained model if no problem occurs.

Great! Thanks.

Hi Jichao! Were you able to share trained models? I still get an error when I click on the link.

Hi,the model is training

Great! Thank you.

I have uploaded a pretrained model, though it is not the best model. Recently, I will update it for better results.

Great! Thanks. I will download it and try it out.

I have updated a pretrained model (V2 with different training epochs). In next few day, the model will also be updated.

Great! Thank you.