zhangll1990 / ansible-role-aws-sdk

Ansible role that will install the `boto` library (boto3 by default). Will install `pip` if absent.

Home Page:https://galaxy.ansible.com/gametize/aws-sdk/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Ansible Role: AWS SDK

Build Status

This role will install the boto library via pip. boto3 (the Python SDK recommended by Amazon AWS) is installed by default , while boto (version 2) is not. Note that a number of number of Ansible modules are still using version 2.

pip will be installed if absent, via the get-pip.py script (default) or thru the OS package managers.


If using RedHat/CentOS, make sure you have the EPEL repository installed prior to using this role (you can install it using the geerlingguy.repo-epel role).

Role Variables

Optional variables

  • aws_sdk_boto3_version: Version of boto3 to install. If this variable is not provided, pip will install the latest listed in PyPI.
  • aws_sdk_boto_version: Version of boto (version 2) to install. If this variable is not provided, pip will install the latest listed in PyPI.

Default values (see defaults/main.yml)

aws_sdk_pip_use_package_manager: false

Pip will be installed using the get-pip.py script. If set to true, pip will install using apt (Debian) or yum (Red Hat).

aws_sdk_install_boto: false
aws_sdk_install_boto3: true

By default, boto3 will be installed but boto (version 2) will not. Most ansible modules are still using boto but not boto3.

Variables (see vars/main.yml)

aws_sdk_pip_script_url: https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
aws_sdk_tmp_script_path: /tmp/get-pip.py
aws_sdk_apt_cache_valid_time: 300    # Skip apt update if cache is less than 5 min.



Example playbook

- hosts: all
    - gametize.aws-sdk


Travis tests (.travis.yml) are set up according to this article by geerlingguy.

Gitlab CI tests are set up similarly, but with more details. Tests can be run with gitlab-runner. Example of running this locally:

gitlab-ci-multi-runner exec shell test_centos7



Author Information

LIM EnSheng (ensheng@gametize.com)


Ansible role that will install the `boto` library (boto3 by default). Will install `pip` if absent.
