ZhangGaoxing / EPA-Data-Code

All the data and code concerning "EPA: Exoneration and Prominence based Age for Infection Source Identification" paper accepted at ACM CIKM'19. [Authors: (1) Syed Shafat Ali (JMI), (2) Tarique Anwar (IIT-Ropar), (3) Ajay Rastogi (JMI), (4) Syed Afzal Murtaza Rizvi (JMI)]

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This repository contains all the code (both proposed single and multi-source methods and comparing methods), all the datasets and sample infection graphs for single and multi-source

"Code" folder contains the implemented methods. Coding has been performed using R tool. Besides this, the "Code" folder has a subfolder "SI Model Code (Single and Multi-Source)", which contains code files for SI model for both single and multiple source scenarios.

"Graphs" folder contains all the datasets employed in this study.

"Infection Graphs (Single Source)" folder contains single source infection graphs (infected nodes corresponding to the underlying graph).

"Infection Graphs (Multiple Source)" folder contains 4 subfolders. "2" folder contains infection graphs (infected nodes corresponding to the underlying graph) with two sources, "3" folder contains infection graphs (infected nodes corresponding to the underlying graph) with three sources and so on.

Reference: EPA: Exoneration and Prominence based Age for Infection Source Identification, CIKM-2019


All the data and code concerning "EPA: Exoneration and Prominence based Age for Infection Source Identification" paper accepted at ACM CIKM'19. [Authors: (1) Syed Shafat Ali (JMI), (2) Tarique Anwar (IIT-Ropar), (3) Ajay Rastogi (JMI), (4) Syed Afzal Murtaza Rizvi (JMI)]


Language:R 100.0%