zhangdoa / InnocenceEngine

Cross-platform modern game engine.

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Cannot run Innomain

DraGiuS opened this issue · comments


after building the engine, and going to /bin, i cannot run Innomain, here the output :
(19:58:41) ± [cristobal@wifibridge.home] ~/Github/InnocenceEngine/build/bin (master U:1 ✗) ./InnoMain
[2018-8-19 1:58:44:15]MemorySystem setup finished.
[2018-8-19 1:58:44:15]LogSystem setup finished.
[2018-8-19 1:58:44:15]TaskSystem setup finished.
[2018-8-19 1:58:44:15]TimeSystem setup finished.
[2018-8-19 1:58:44:16]GameSystem setup finished.
[2018-8-19 1:58:44:16]AssetSystem setup finished.
[2018-8-19 1:58:44:16]PhysicsSystem setup finished.
InnoMain: /home/cristobal/Github/InnocenceEngine/source/engine/third-party/ImGui/imgui_draw.cpp:1550: ImFont* ImFontAtlas::AddFontFromFileTTF(const char*, float, const ImFontConfig*, const ImWchar*): Assertion `0' failed.
Abandon (core dumped)

Hello @DraGiuS ,

Please update to latest version, and execute postBuildLinux64.sh after you build and make the project, and then execute the InnoMain binary file in {project_root}/bin folder instead of build/bin. Or you could manually copy all the files in /res/ to build/res/, they have the same result.


Thanks !