zhangcunxi / USE-Raspberry-Pi-run-Lane-Detection

This project used Raspberry pi to run the Lane Detection with USB camera.

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USE Raspberry Pi to run Lane Detection

This project used Raspberry pi to run the Lane Detection with a USB camera.

This is my first GitHub project

Two weeks ago I saw a blog on a Chinese knowledge share platform named 'ZhiHu', the title was 'Use raspberry pi to detect the road line on my car'

I thought that was pretty cool, so I decide to have some fun on that. so I followed the instruction to Github, create an account and forked the project.

The project I have cloned can be found here.

And I found he cloned and updated from here.

And uvbakutan has a modificated/optimized version from the Udacity advanced-lane-detection project.

What I do in this project is both uvbakutan and putch. They both used picamera, which is the raspberryPi official on board camera, but this camera sucks, so I decide to try to use a USB camera to launch this program.


Firstly I bought a raspberryPi 3B+ and a picamera


And I found a USB camera at my home's storage room.


After that I have start to build my environments:

  1. install newest raspbian_stretch on RP.

  2. install OpenCV 3.4 this cost me about 8 hours for me and I followed this link to make it successful.

    This instruction will use virtualenv a virtual environment to install OpenCV, I highly recommend that. About the reason read this

  3. install picamera

  4. install imutils by this : pip install --upgrade imutils

    imutils is developed by the blog writer who write 'how to install OpenCV on RP' , and I found this package has already integrate a class to use both picamera and USB camera. So, I will import this package to do my work.

**This project use RP3B+ and '2019-04-08-raspbian-stretch-full' and OpenCV3.4 **


  1. The uvbakutan's project has create a class to detect the road lane, but when he was using this class, he did not write main()function, so I updated this module. This will ensure I can import this class in other places.
  2. I imported imutils and modified it to use a USB camera to a new python file . So, please keep the 'lane_detection_with_USB_camera.py' in the same folder with 'lane_detect_pi.py'


I have tested this program by using video recorded from my safety recorder, which is set up on my car. I have upload the test result video on this project.

The camera I've used was sensitive on light, so I have adjust my screen brightness to make sure the video under my test was dark enough. (like I said, just for fun~)


This project used Raspberry pi to run the Lane Detection with USB camera.


Language:Python 100.0%