zhad3 / zrenderer

A renderer for Ragnarok Online sprites

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Sugestion Alternative Madogear

LeonardoFeriato opened this issue · comments

I would like to suggest that the alternative outfit also include the Madogear.
I have tried to apply this one without success.

    "gender": 0,
    "job": [
    "head": 21,
    "headPalette": 1,
    "headdir": 0,
    "action": 1,
    "canvas": "200x200+100+150",
    "outfit": 1


Thanks for your great support.

Do you know how the alternative sprite works in-game? (I don't play Ragnarok anymore) I had a hard time looking up information about it. I found a YouTube video in korean that shows how he buys and uses the item "Emergency Mado Gear(Reinforcement Suit)" https://ratemyserver.net/index.php?page=re_item_db&item_id=100158.

The item applies some sort of effect on the player, but does not in fact changes the job (as is done for example the Tuxedo/Wedding Dress).

As far as I can tell the madogear alternative sprite is not a costume in the traditional sense but seem to be treated specially. There exists names for the sprites but are not referenced in jobs, yet these alternative sprites themselves also have costumes. Very strange.

There seem to be multiple madogear jobs and supposedly alternative sprites.

For example there is:

JobId Name
4086 마도기어
4087 마도기어
4112 마도기어

And there are the following alternative sprites:

For now I would guess that if your job is 마도기어 then the alternative sprite would be 마도아머 and respectively if your job is MEISTER_MADOGEAR1 then your alternative sprite would be MEISTER_MADOGEAR2. Again, I do not know how it actually works in the official client.

Do you know how the alternative sprite works in-game? (I don't play Ragnarok anymore) I had a hard time looking up information about it. I found a YouTube video in korean that shows how he buys and uses the item "Emergency Mado Gear(Reinforcement Suit)" https://ratemyserver.net/index.php?page=re_item_db&item_id=100158.

The item applies some sort of effect on the player, but does not in fact changes the job (as is done for example the Tuxedo/Wedding Dress).

This is correct, it is using this item to apply the new Madogear. Internally in the files I can't say how the script for this item will work, but as far as I know it is only using this item.

Actually, the way other jobs traditionally are, it won't work for this one. I had also checked the files that resolver.d uses before opening this issue and I believe that this will have to be a new implementation as Companion (e.g. Falcon).

I've found inconsistencies in the game files, certain costumes and items don't follow the old standard.

Please checkout version 1.4.0.

You can now specify a new argument: --madogearType={robot,suit}. API usage is respectively: "madogearType": {0,2}.

    "gender": 0,
    "job": [
    "head": 21,
    "headPalette": 1,
    "headdir": 0,
    "action": 1,
    "canvas": "200x200+100+150",
    "madogearType": 2

Results in:

Awesome dude!
I'll try it out, thank you very much.