zhad3 / zrenderer

A renderer for Ragnarok Online sprites

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Failed to compile on Ubuntu 18.04.6

tidre opened this issue · comments


I'm trying to compile zrenderer on Ubuntu 18.04.6 but I'm having trouble trying to do it.

Follow some informations:
Ubuntu LTS 18.04.6

DUB version 1.8.0-2, built on Mar 27 2018

LDC - the LLVM D compiler (1.8.0): based on DMD v2.078.3 and LLVM 5.0.1

OpenSSL 1.1.1 11 Sep 2018

Command Line
sudo dub build --compiler=ldc2 --build=release :server



After uninstalling the libraries and installing again, it took a few steps but gave the error.



Hi @tidre unfortunately ubuntu 18 uses a too old version of dub and ldc.
I recommend downloading a newer version directly from the ldc release page: https://github.com/ldc-developers/ldc/releases

Assuming you're running x64 linux you would need to download something like ldc2-1.32.2-linux-x86_64.tar.xz.
In the provided archive you will find all the tools required under the bin directory.

If you run dub from that archive I believe you will have to add the ldc2 executable to your PATH environment variable so that it can be picked it. For that to work you'll probably also need to uninstall your current dub and ldc2 which you got from the package manager.

Sorry for all the trouble but the D language and its tooling is sadly not very backwards compatible.


Hi @zhad3,

Thank you for your help.
After updating ldc and dub my versions are:

  • LDC (1.24.0)
  • DUB (1.19.0)

But now I have the following problem:


After updating LDC, DUB, DMD, OpenSSL, still the error persists.


Captura de tela 2023-07-12 000510


Unfortunately I cannot reproduce your issue.

I have these versions:

$ dub --version
DUB version 1.29.0, built on

$ ldc2 --version
LDC - the LLVM D compiler (1.32.0):
  based on DMD v2.102.2 and LLVM 15.0.7
  built with LDC - the LLVM D compiler (1.32.0)
  Default target: x86_64-suse-linux
  Host CPU: haswell
  http://dlang.org - http://wiki.dlang.org/LDC

Just to make sure I have compiled the project with the Docker image using the latest alpine image which also has ldc2 version 1.32.0. In there are also no errors (just deprecation warnings).

From your logs I can see that you're using a 'snap' version of ldc. I haven't used snaps myself, so I am not sure if that could be a problem.

Another option you could try is to use the install script from D. Make sure to uninstall any ldc2, dmd, dub and whatnot packages. Then run the following command: curl -fsS https://dlang.org/install.sh | bash -s ldc (from https://github.com/ldc-developers/ldc#installation). And follow the instruction. It should say how to activate the environment to use ldc.

I was having issues compiling. curl -fsS https://dlang.org/install.sh | bash -s ldc allowed me to compile successfully