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Latest 15 Papers - July 18, 2024

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Time Series

Title Date Comment
On the optimal prediction of extreme events in heavy-tailed time series with applications to solar flare forecasting 2024-07-16 57 pages, 5 figures
Variance Norms for Kernelized Anomaly Detection 2024-07-16
User Behavior Analysis and Clustering in Peace Elite: Insights and Recommendations 2024-07-16
Neural Compression of Atmospheric States 2024-07-16 44 pages, 25 figures
Dynamic Dimension Wrapping (DDW) Algorithm: A Novel Approach for Efficient Cross-Dimensional Search in Dynamic Multidimensional Spaces 2024-07-16
Learning Global and Local Features of Power Load Series Through Transformer and 2D-CNN: An image-based Multi-step Forecasting Approach Incorporating Phase Space Reconstruction 2024-07-16
Diff-MTS: Temporal-Augmented Conditional Diffusion-based AIGC for Industrial Time Series Towards the Large Model Era 2024-07-16
11 pa...

11 pages,4 figures. This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible

AIGC for Industrial Time Series: From Deep Generative Models to Large Generative Models 2024-07-16
17 pa...

17 pages, 4 figures.This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible

XTraffic: A Dataset Where Traffic Meets Incidents with Explainability and More 2024-07-16
Self Attention with Temporal Prior: Can We Learn More from Arrow of Time? 2024-07-16
Impacts of Climate Change on Mortality: An extrapolation of temperature effects based on time series data in France 2024-07-16
Semi-Supervised Generative Models for Disease Trajectories: A Case Study on Systemic Sclerosis 2024-07-16

Accepted at Machine Learning for Healthcare 2024. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2311.08149

Bayesian Online Multiple Testing: A Resource Allocation Approach 2024-07-16
Enhancing Multi-Step Brent Oil Price Forecasting with Ensemble Multi-Scenario Bi-GRU Networks 2024-07-15
Sparse Transformer with Local and Seasonal Adaptation for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting 2024-07-15


Title Date Comment
Trajectory and Power Optimization for Multi-UAV Enabled Emergency Wireless Communications Networks 2024-07-16 6 pages, 3 figures
Progressive Pretext Task Learning for Human Trajectory Prediction 2024-07-16

Accepted to ECCV 2024

SciConNav: Knowledge navigation through contextual learning of extensive scientific research trajectories 2024-07-16

21pages, 13 figures, 6 tables

PRET: Planning with Directed Fidelity Trajectory for Vision and Language Navigation 2024-07-16
Semi-Supervised Generative Models for Disease Trajectories: A Case Study on Systemic Sclerosis 2024-07-16

Accepted at Machine Learning for Healthcare 2024. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2311.08149

RetailOpt: Opt-In, Easy-to-Deploy Trajectory Estimation from Smartphone Motion Data and Retail Facility Information 2024-07-16
Trajectory Tracking for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in 3D Spaces under Motion Constraints 2024-07-15
Ada-NAV: Adaptive Trajectory Length-Based Sample Efficient Policy Learning for Robotic Navigation 2024-07-14
11 pa...

11 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables

Boosting Transferability in Vision-Language Attacks via Diversification along the Intersection Region of Adversarial Trajectory 2024-07-14

ECCV2024. Code is available at https://github.com/SensenGao/VLPTransferAttack

Reinforcement Learning in a Safety-Embedded MDP with Trajectory Optimization 2024-07-14
A Survey of Distance-Based Vessel Trajectory Clustering: Data Pre-processing, Methodologies, Applications, and Experimental Evaluation 2024-07-13
Synergistic Multi-Agent Framework with Trajectory Learning for Knowledge-Intensive Tasks 2024-07-13
Generating 6-D Trajectories for Omnidirectional Multirotor Aerial Vehicles in Cluttered Environments 2024-07-13
This ...

This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2209.06764

Physics-Informed Learning of Characteristic Trajectories for Smoke Reconstruction 2024-07-12

SIGGRAPH 2024 (conference track), Project Website: \url{https://19reborn.github.io/PICT_Smoke.github.io/}

Towards Personalised Patient Risk Prediction Using Temporal Hospital Data Trajectories 2024-07-12

Graph Neural Networks

Title Date Comment
Tackling Oversmoothing in GNN via Graph Sparsification: A Truss-based Approach 2024-07-16
GraphFM: A Scalable Framework for Multi-Graph Pretraining 2024-07-16
Characterizing and Understanding HGNN Training on GPUs 2024-07-16
23 pa...

23 pages, 14 figures, submitted to ACM TACO

Relaxing Graph Transformers for Adversarial Attacks 2024-07-16
Rethinking Fair Graph Neural Networks from Re-balancing 2024-07-16

Accepted by SIGKDD 2024, research track

Graph Dimension Attention Networks for Enterprise Credit Assessment 2024-07-16
HyperAggregation: Aggregating over Graph Edges with Hypernetworks 2024-07-16

Accepted at IJCNN 2024

SparseRadNet: Sparse Perception Neural Network on Subsampled Radar Data 2024-07-16
18 pa...

18 pages, 4 figures, 5 tables, with supplement

AU-vMAE: Knowledge-Guide Action Units Detection via Video Masked Autoencoder 2024-07-16
Improved particle-flow event reconstruction with scalable neural networks for current and future particle detectors 2024-07-16 21 pages, 10 figures
Accounting for Work Zone Disruptions in Traffic Flow Forecasting 2024-07-16

Traffic speed prediction, graph neural network, spatio-temporal correlation, hypergraph, work zone, maintenance downtime. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2110.01535

Graph Structure Prompt Learning: A Novel Methodology to Improve Performance of Graph Neural Networks 2024-07-16
SES: Bridging the Gap Between Explainability and Prediction of Graph Neural Networks 2024-07-16 20pages,8pages
ApproxPilot: A GNN-based Accelerator Approximation Framework 2024-07-16
Provable Robustness of (Graph) Neural Networks Against Data Poisoning and Backdoor Attacks 2024-07-15