zeroturnaround / zt-exec

ZeroTurnaround Process Executor

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

output not redirected when launching sub-processes on windows?

JRWilding opened this issue · comments


I doubt this is a specific problem to zt-exec, the same behaviour is reproducible when using ProcessBuilder, but just wanted a second opinion as I'm probably doing something wrong.

This outputs the result of the ping to the outputStream:

val pe = ProcessExecutor().apply {
  command("ping", "-n", "2", "")

But if I want to see the console window whilst it is executing the ping, I try to change the command to
command("cmd", "/C", "start", "ping", "-n", "2", "")
The command prompt is shown, I see the results in the window but nothing is written to the stream.

My understanding is that the cmd /c start launches the ping in a sub-process but it hasn't redirected the output, is it possible to make it redirect?

This issue does not seem to be specific to zt-exec and I'm not familiar with the behaviour of cmd.exe in this regard. You might be able to hack something together by redirecting the output to a file and then reading from there. Just an idea.