zeroturnaround / gradle-jrebel-plugin

The plugin generates rebel.xml configuration file for the Gradle-based project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Documentation is not up to date

ylemoigne opened this issue · comments


I was folowing documentation, but it doesn't work (end with 'Plugin with id 'rebel' not found.' )

My workaround was to switch to tz-release repository, upgrade classpath to 1.0.3, and change apply plugin: org.zeroturnaround.javarebel.groovy.RebelPlugin

thanks for drawing our attention. The plugin is under heavy refactoring right now, and at the end of this week, I hope to do a 1.0.4 (or maybe 1.1.0) release with a really changed internal implementation and thoroughly updated documentation. This plugin finally has our (ZeroTurnaround's) full attention now and its now just a question of weeks until we get this on the level code-wise, documentation-wise and automated tests-wise :)

No problem, It was just for information. Finally I didn't use your plugin and just write a simple task :

task generateJRebelIdea << {
    def xml = new groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder(new"src/main/resources/rebel.xml")))
    xml.getMkp().xmlDeclaration(version:'1.0', encoding: 'UTF-8')
    xml.application ('xmlns:xsi': "", 
            'xmlns': "", 
            'xsi:schemaLocation': "") {
        classpath {
            dir (name: "${rootProject.projectDir}/out/production/${}".replace('\\', '/'))

Yeah, that is indeed surprisingly easy with groovy's elegant xml libs/dsl. Tour solution is probably the shortest and cleanest of the ones i've seen so far - thanks! :) Anyway, i haven't yet given up the hope to make it a zero-config plugin for 95% of the users.