zeroturnaround / gradle-jrebel-plugin

The plugin generates rebel.xml configuration file for the Gradle-based project

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Add support for Gradle plugins DSL

vgarmash opened this issue · comments

Take a look at:


This is about new syntax of applying plugins:

plugins {
    id "" version "1.3"

This feature is incubating since Gradle 2.1 (the latest at the moment is 3.1).

It would be great if you add support for that.

As I understand it is matter of following these steps:

Thanks for a very detailed report. We'll have a look into this soon.

Have you used the plugin, otherwise? Do you find it helpful? Any other comments?


Product manager for JRebel

Yes, we use it daily. It saves a little bit of time.

Would you be available for a chat about our Gradle plugin from general usability's point of view? Maybe you could drop me an email to sander at zeroturnaround com? Would be excellent to hear some feedback :) Thank you!

Sander Sõnajalg
Product manager for JRebel tooling

Thanks for the feedback @vgarmash , we updated the documentation to highlight the new incubating plugin configuration, you should be able to use it now.