Fails with error catch: no addresses worked! bad token or no network path?
nbenitez opened this issue · comments
It's not working, fail message is:
catch: no addresses worked! bad token or no network path?
I was trying to transfer from my Raspberry PI connected to router by cable and receive in my laptop connected to same router by WiFi.
Any useful debug commands you want me to run I'm all ears.
I've run into this as well, it seems to have started when I joined two zerotier networks from the same machine. Perhaps toss/catch is confused by more than one option?
Leaving the second network doesn't seem to help.
target is pingable and sshable from source.
looks like a duplicate of #1 to me. I'm posting here because I've discussed a workaround over there, in case you're interested
This happens when used locally. Try from one machine to another.