zeropingheroes / lanager

LAN party management web application

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Dashboard View Suggestions

azjose opened this issue · comments

Would be nice to have 2 or 3 columns that would have like Games Played, Events and Shouts.

Also would be nice to have new shouts append to the top of the shout list. New shouts are added to bottom right now and no one can seem on dashboard view on the projector. Also shouts don't seem to be pinning either.

Yes the current layout gets quite crowded when there's lots going on.

I think rather than squashing everything into a 3-column layout, a possible solution would be to fade between games, events and shouts every 15 seconds or so. What do you reckon?

Re the wrong sort order for shouts, that'll get fixed once I've finished refactoring some backend code

With the Dashboard view, it would also be handy to have the names of the players listed of who is in game instead of just the display pic, and maybe have the name clickable to their profile.
Once again, love you work!

The dashboard is intended to be displayed on a big screen and viewed from a distance so space is limited, so I won't be adding usernames or links there, sorry.

You can get the same information for who's in which game, with profile links by going to the "games" page

Yea that makes sense.

I've put shouts and games in progress into a carousel in 41fd1c9 (dev branch) making better use of the space available.