zeromq / jeromq-jms


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Connect jeromq-jms subscriber to zeroMQ Publisher

mueller-jens opened this issue · comments

I am trying to connect a jms based subscriber to a plain ZeroMQ Publisher. But the subscriber does not recive any message. Is there any way to achive this?


    Context context = ZMQ.context(1);

    final Socket publisherSocket = context.socket(ZMQ.PUB);

    Thread t = new Thread(() -> {
        while (true) {

            // Write two messages, each with an envelope and content


JMS Template configuration:

  final JmsTemplate template = new JmsTemplate();

    return template;
private TopicConnectionFactory connectionFactory() {

      final TopicConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ZmqConnectionFactory(
              new String[] { getPubServerUri(null)});

      return connectionFactory;

  private ConnectionFactory connectionFactory() {

      final ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ZmqConnectionFactory(
              new String[] { getPubServerUri(null)});

      return connectionFactory;

 private String getPubServerUri(ZMQ_CHANNEL channel)
      return "jms:topic:all?gateway.addr=tcp://*:9714&socket.addr=tcp://*:9714";



Tried this myself and I get an Unsupported exception. Not all JMS API was implemented. Will have a look into it.

I have overridden the ZmqConnectionFactory and the ZmQConnection to overcome this:


public class ZmqConnectionFactory extends org.zeromq.jms.ZmqConnectionFactory {

    private final Map<String, ZmqURI> destinationSchema = new HashMap<String, ZmqURI>();
    private String gatewayFactoryClassName = ZmqGatewayFactory.class.getCanonicalName();
    private String[] packageNameExtensions = null;

     * Construct Zero MQ connection factory.
    public ZmqConnectionFactory() {

     * Construct Zero MQ connection factory with the specified destination URIs.
     * @param destinations  the destination URIs
    public ZmqConnectionFactory(final String[] destinations) {

     * Construct Zero MQ connection factory with the specified destination URIs.
     * @param gatewayFactoryClassName  the class name of the gateway factory
     * @param packageNameExtensions    the array of packages containing extension to ZERO MQ
     * @param destinations             the destination URIs
    public ZmqConnectionFactory(final String gatewayFactoryClassName, final String[] packageNameExtensions, final String[] destinations) {
        super(gatewayFactoryClassName, packageNameExtensions, destinations);
        this.gatewayFactoryClassName = gatewayFactoryClassName;
        this.packageNameExtensions = packageNameExtensions;


     * @return               return a factory gateway
     * @throws ZmqException  throws exception when factory construction fails
    private ZmqGatewayFactory getFactoryGateway() throws ZmqException {
        try {
            final Class<? extends ZmqGatewayFactory> gatewayFactoryClass = (Class<? extends ZmqGatewayFactory>) Class

            final Constructor<?> gatewayFactoryConstructor = gatewayFactoryClass.getConstructor(String[].class, Map.class);

            final ZmqGatewayFactory gatewayFactory = (ZmqGatewayFactory) gatewayFactoryConstructor.newInstance(packageNameExtensions,

            return gatewayFactory;
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
            throw new ZmqException("Class could not be found.", ex);
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException ex) {
            throw new ZmqException("Unable to find required constructor for class: " + gatewayFactoryClassName, ex);
        } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException ex) {
            throw new ZmqException("Unable to invoke constructor for class: " + gatewayFactoryClassName, ex);


    public QueueConnection createQueueConnection(final String userName, final String password) throws JMSException {
        ZmqGatewayFactory gatewayFactory = getFactoryGateway();
        QueueConnection connection = new ZmqConnection(gatewayFactory, destinationSchema);

        return connection;

    public TopicConnection createTopicConnection() throws JMSException {
        return createTopicConnection(null, null);

    public TopicConnection createTopicConnection(final String userName, final String password) throws JMSException {

        ZmqGatewayFactory gatewayFactory = getFactoryGateway();
        TopicConnection connection = new ZmqConnection(gatewayFactory, destinationSchema);

        return connection;

    public JMSContext createContext() {

       return createContext(null, null, ZmqSession.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);

    public JMSContext createContext(final int sessionMode) {

           return createContext(null, null, sessionMode);

    public JMSContext createContext(final String userName, final String password) {

           return createContext(userName, password, ZmqSession.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);

    public JMSContext createContext(final String userName, final String password, final int sessionMode) {

        try {
            ZmqGatewayFactory gatewayFactory = getFactoryGateway();
            ZmqConnection connection = new ZmqConnection(gatewayFactory, destinationSchema);

            ZmqJMSContext context = new ZmqJMSContext(connection, sessionMode);

            return context;
        } catch (ZmqException ex) {
            throw new JMSRuntimeException("Unable to create context.", ex.getErrorCode(), ex);


public class ZmqConnection extends org.zeromq.jms.ZmqConnection {

    public ZmqConnection(ZmqGatewayFactory gatewayFactory, Map<String, ZmqURI> destinationSchema) {
        super(gatewayFactory, destinationSchema);

    public void start() throws JMSException {

    public void stop() throws JMSException {
    public void close() throws JMSException {

Fixed in release 3.0