zeromq / clrzmq4

ZeroMQ C# namespace (.NET and mono, Windows, Linux and MacOSX, x86 and amd64)

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Bug in public virtual bool Send(IEnumerable<ZFrame> frames, ZSocketFlags flags, out ZError error)

AntiTenzor opened this issue · comments

This function throws an exception in .NET Framework 4.8 if I call it with a fixed-size array as a first argument.

Here is a full listing to reproduce the issue:

using System;

using ZeroMQ;

namespace BugClrzmq4
internal class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
using (ZContext clrZmqContext = ZContext.Current)
using(ZSocket pub = new ZSocket(ZSocketType.PUB))

            ZFrame z1 = new ZFrame("line1");
            ZFrame z2 = new ZFrame("line2");


This line throws an exception:
Unhandled Exception: System.NotSupportedException: Collection was of a fixed size.
at System.SZArrayHelper.Remove[T](T value)
at ZeroMQ.ZSocket.SendFrames(IEnumerable1 frames, Int32& sent, ZSocketFlags flags, ZError& error) in w:\git\clrzmq4\ZSocket.cs:line 720 at ZeroMQ.ZSocket.SendFrames(IEnumerable1 frames, ZSocketFlags flags, ZError& error) in w:\git\clrzmq4\ZSocket.cs:line 682
at BugClrzmq4.Program.Main(String[] args) in W:\Source\CS\BugClrzmq4\BugClrzmq4\BugClrzmq4\Program.cs:line 35
pub.Send(new ZFrame[] { z1, z2 }, ZSocketFlags.DontWait, out ZError error);


ZSocket.cs lines 719-221:
if (framesIsList)


This is because fixed-sized array new ZFrame[] { z1, z2 } IS IList,
but you can NOT remove elements from it (even after cast).
Console.WriteLine("error: {0}", error);


Actually I do not understand why do you even bother to remove elements?
AFAIK, for many collections (such as List) Remove is relatively expensive operation.

Nobody is interested?

To be frank, the formatting of your post does not invite readers.

Anyways, I agree it is a bad idea to remove the ZFrames from the message to be sent. Especially when it is a List.
Sending ZMessages has caused us great performance problems, because ZMessage is implemented using effectively an ArrayList, meaning the send function suddenly has quadratic complexity.
Sending a 10_000 ZFrame ZMessage took 4,2s. Optimizing this by doing all the things the wrapper functions would have done (minus the remove operation) I got that down to 13ms.