zero-proxy / zero-proxy

最轻量、高效、透明、稳定的多币种矿池、矿池代理、矿池中转。支持 BTC, ETC, RVN, NicaHash, XNA, ETHW, Ergo 等币种。自定义抽水账号及比例,高性能数据中转算法,无任何share损耗。具有高效的抽水算法,保证精确抽水。支持多端口监听及多矿池连接,同时接入3000+矿机性能稳定且不掉线。The lightest, most efficient, transparent, and stable multi-cryptocurrency mining pool proxy.

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invalid subscribe request "method":"mining.subscribe"

emmalaporte93 opened this issue · comments

Hi guys, just started to use your proxy, made 1-liner install, my test workers is givin me this:

1|zero-proxy  | [2024-04-01 19:23:21][LOG][ProxyService]{40ff266f} get connection: ::ffff:MY_OWRKER_IP:54028, worker pool is {"host":"","port":16060,"tls":true,"coin":"RVN"}
1|zero-proxy  | [2024-04-01 19:23:21][ERROR][ProxyService]{40ff266f} invalid subscribe request: {"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"mining.subscribe","params":[]}
1|zero-proxy  | [2024-04-01 19:23:24][WARN][ProxyService]{40ff266f} client socket end.
1|zero-proxy  | [2024-04-01 19:23:24][WARN][ProxyService]{40ff266f} client socket close.

and this goes on and on in loop. Any ideas?

I am using xmrig and silentCryptoMiner btw, maybe you have limited support of those?

Tried to switch to another pool, now its giving this:

1|zero-proxy  | [2024-04-01 19:41:04][WARN][ProxyService]destroy worker sockets since current id is agent id
1|zero-proxy  | [2024-04-01 19:41:04][WARN][ProxyService]{8ba3d254}[]() agent socket end.
1|zero-proxy  | [2024-04-01 19:41:04][WARN][ProxyService]{8ba3d254} client socket close.
1|zero-proxy  | [2024-04-01 19:41:04][LOG][ProxyService][5e605073]() destroy agent socket
1|zero-proxy  | [2024-04-01 19:41:04][LOG][ProxyService][5e605073] delete tasks by id 5e605073#

Looks like it is caused by empty parameter of the subscribe method submitted by silentCryptoMiner and then causes the switching.

A fixing has been made to handle this issue, please try the latest updates and let me know if it works.

Please refer to this section for updating details.

Hey @zero-proxy , I really appreciate fast response and bugfix :)
Logs are bit different now:

2|zero-proxy  | [2024-04-02 18:12:09][LOG][ProxyService]{345192e9} get connection: ::ffff:149.102.x.x:54593, worker pool is {"host":"","port":10443,"tls":true,"coin":"RVN"}
2|zero-proxy  | [2024-04-02 18:12:09][LOG][ProxyService]{345192e9} client: {"id":1,"method":"mining.hello","params":{"agent":"ethminer-0.19.0","host":"82.x.x.x","port":"4b0","proto":"EthereumStratum/2.0.0"}}
2|zero-proxy  | [2024-04-02 18:12:09][ERROR][ProxyService]{345192e9} doesn't login yet
2|zero-proxy  | [2024-04-02 18:12:12][LOG][ProxyService]{1b83c428} get connection: ::ffff:149.102.x.x:54596, worker pool is {"host":"","port":10443,"tls":true,"coin":"RVN"}
2|zero-proxy  | [2024-04-02 18:12:12][LOG][ProxyService]{1b83c428} client: {"id":1,"method":"mining.subscribe","params":["ethminer-0.19.0","EthereumStratum/1.0.0"]}
2|zero-proxy  | [2024-04-02 18:12:18][LOG][ProxyService]{c3125975} get connection: ::ffff:149.102.x.x:54610, worker pool is {"host":"","port":10443,"tls":true,"coin":"RVN"}
2|zero-proxy  | [2024-04-02 18:12:18][LOG][ProxyService]{c3125975} client: {"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"mining.subscribe","params":[]}
2|zero-proxy  | [2024-04-02 18:12:18][ERROR][ProxyService]{c3125975} invalid subscribe request: {"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"mining.subscribe","params":[]}
2|zero-proxy  | [2024-04-02 18:12:26][LOG][ProxyService]{37344d5b} get connection: ::ffff:149.102.x.x:54617, worker pool is {"host":"","port":10443,"tls":true,"coin":"RVN"}
2|zero-proxy  | [2024-04-02 18:12:26][LOG][ProxyService]{37344d5b} client: {"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"mining.subscribe","params":[]}
2|zero-proxy  | [2024-04-02 18:12:26][ERROR][ProxyService]{37344d5b} invalid subscribe request: {"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"mining.subscribe","params":[]}
2|zero-proxy  | [2024-04-02 18:12:29][LOG][ProxyService]{df977dc5} get connection: ::ffff:149.102.x.x:54621, worker pool is {"host":"","port":10443,"tls":true,"coin":"RVN"}
2|zero-proxy  | [2024-04-02 18:12:29][LOG][ProxyService]{df977dc5} client: {"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"mining.subscribe","params":[]}
2|zero-proxy  | [2024-04-02 18:12:29][ERROR][ProxyService]{df977dc5} invalid subscribe request: {"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"mining.subscribe","params":[]}


2|zero-proxy  | [2024-04-02 18:15:53][LOG][ProxyService]{6bcc920d} get connection: ::ffff:149.102.x.x:54910, worker pool is {"host":"","port":10443,"tls":true,"coin":"RVN"}
2|zero-proxy  | [2024-04-02 18:15:53][LOG][ProxyService]{6bcc920d} client: {"id":3,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"mining.subscribe","params":["XMRig/6.21.1 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) libuv/1.44.2 gcc/13.2.0"]}
2|zero-proxy  | [2024-04-02 18:15:53][LOG][ProxyService]{6bcc920d} client: {"id":4,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"mining.authorize","params":["x","x"]}

in xmrig, it gives read error: EOF right after this "method":"mining.authorize" appears in logs
Im using wallet address as username in xmrig config, this is whats workig with most of pools
Tried to swtich username/pass to x/x, no luck

xmrig pool config (wallet and IP are redacted):

    "pools": [
            "algo": "kawpow",
            "coin": null,
            "url": "82.x.x.x:1200",
            "rig-id": "",
            "username" : "RPkWXXXXXXXXL6dRvXVhYrg8Wvh1XXXX", 
            "rig-id": null,
            "nicehash": false,
            "keepalive": true,
            "enabled": true,
            "tls": false,
            "tls-fingerprint": null,
            "daemon": false,
            "socks5": null,
            "self-select": null

Proxy setup, tried both ssl / no ssl options:

This is wired, we will run a full testing on xmrig and silentCryptoMiner late today and let you know the result asap.

The params of "method":"mining.authorize" should have been ['your-wallet', 'x'] rather than ['x', 'x'] when zero-proxy receive the client request (by your miner software). The invalid wallet name will make the pool decline the authorize process in the end.

This is not related to the ssl option.

Have you tried to use xmrig with this config to connect to nanopool directly? I believe it will not work if the miner submit [x, x] message to the pool.

Hi @emmalaporte93 , would you mind updating the latest version (bump by today) and testing on silentCryptoMiner? It works well on my side.

xmrig has not been tested yet, please ensure the config is correct if you want to test it again.

Anyway, we highly recommend using teamreadminer, gminer, or nbminer on RVN (kawpow) algorithms as they usually out perform than other mining softwares.

Have you tried to use xmrig with this config to connect to nanopool directly? I believe it will not work if the miner submit [x, x] message to the pool.

hi @zero-proxy , this exactly config works OK with nanopool/2miners/herominers ; the thing is that I cannot directly change params of "mining.authorize" request in xmrig, even with username/password set to wallet address, it still gives x/x

aaand silentCryptoMiner works now! thank you for support

I also suspect the wired behavior of xmrig, zero proxy just outputs the following message from miner (client) side without any modification, which means the client sent ["x", "x"] to the pool (or proxy) with no reason.

2|zero-proxy  | [2024-04-02 18:15:53][LOG][ProxyService]{6bcc920d} client {"id":4,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"mining.authorize","params":["x","x"]}

I will dig into this later.