zero-functional / zero-functional

A library providing zero-cost chaining for functional abstractions in Nim.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

zero_functional.nim(298, 34) Error: return type 'untyped' is only valid for macros and templates

deem0n opened this issue · comments

I got this on Nim 0.20 on mac os x, just after import zero_functional

Nim Compiler Version 0.20.0 [MacOSX: amd64]
Compiled at 2019-07-08
Copyright (c) 2006-2019 by Andreas Rumpf

active boot switches: -d:release -d:useLinenoise

@deem0n so I get a lot of warnings with 0.20.xx but no errors. test.nim is still working.
What branch did you use? Can't be master since line 298 does not contain code

I do nimble install:

nimble install --verbose zero_functional
    Reading official package list
Downloading using git
    Cloning latest tagged version: v0.2.0
  Verifying dependencies for zero_functional@0.2.0
 Installing zero_functional@0.2.0
    Prompt: zero_functional@0.2.0 already exists. Overwrite? [y/N]
    Answer: y
    Copying file /tmp/nimble_37612/githubcom_zerofunctionalzerofunctional/zero_functional.nim to /Users/deem0n/.nimble/pkgs/zero_functional-0.2.0/zero_functional.nim
    Copying file /tmp/nimble_37612/githubcom_zerofunctionalzerofunctional/zero_functional.nimble to /Users/deem0n/.nimble/pkgs/zero_functional-0.2.0/zero_functional.nimble
   Success: zero_functional installed successfully.

So I am using tag v0.2.0

this are lines around 298 from my local ~/.nimble/pkgs/zero_functional-0.2.0/zero_functional.nim

 294 proc createCombination*[A,T](it: array[A,T], idx: array[A,int]): Combination[A,T] =
 295   result = Combination[A,T](it: it, idx: idx)
 297 ## iterator over tuples (needed for flatten to work on tuples, e.g. from zipped lists)
 298 iterator items*[T: tuple](a:T) : untyped =
 299   for i in a.fields:
 300     yield i

OK - should be fixed in version 0.3.0