zernonia / supabase-schema

Secured & Simple Supabase Schema Visualizer

Home Page:https://supabase-schema.vercel.app/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

User Defined types are not exported

ultWorld opened this issue · comments

create table questions_new_free_assessment (
  id bigint not null primary key,
  inserted_at timestamp default now() not null,
  updated_at timestamp default now() not null,
  question_text text not null,
  question_description text,
  **type public.valid_question_type not null,**
  choices text[],
  answer text,
  priority integer

Here the the column type is defined as a custom struct type of the valid_question_type but its not exported in the sql or ts

CREATE TYPE valid_question_type AS ENUM ('choice', 'int', 'decimal', 'date');

this was used to generate in the beginning