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PHP 8.2 deprecation warning: callables and `self`

niden opened this issue · comments

Related issue:


For PHP 8.2 when calling a static method we get a warning about using self in callables.

Example Phalcon\Tag

Tag::linkTo(....) will call internally let urlService = self::getUrlService() and that issues the warning.

Encountered same issue. Made a small test extension to highlight the C code generation.
Consider this bug demo code scall.zep ---

 namespace Sc;

class scall {
	public static function func1(string s) -> string 
	return s . "_";
   /* calling self::  or static::   or scall:: produce the same C code */
	public static function func2(string s) -> string
		return scall::func1(s);

The C code generated will contain the C-macro

If instead , func1 is defined in another class, defined in swork.zep, and func2 is changed to call that instead
return swork::func1(s); such that --

class swork {
	public static function func1(string s) -> string 
		return s . "_";

The C code generated will contain the C-macro
ZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_CE_STATIC(sc_swork_ce, "func1", &_0, 0, &s);

Need a little test.php script to call up the "calling self" deprecation message ---
Deprecation warnings need to be enabled --

With self::, scall:: or static:: invocation and ZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_SELF macro,
the deprecation message occurs.
Calling another class static method, with generated ZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_CE_STATIC macro,
no deprecation occurs.

This ZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_SELF macro seems to be involved in generation of bogus looking optimisations involving caching of zend information. Scanning the involved C code gave me an immediate rejection headache. I would be happier if it just trusted the known zend class entry, and used that in all possible cases.

namespace Sc;

ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);

echo scall::func2("Zephir is great") . PHP_EOL;

Checking a bit further, if a static function call, calls itself recursively it also generates the same error message, this time through this macro - ZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_STATIC("func1", NULL, 0, &_2$$4); Again the deprecation warning message can be avoided by substitution with ZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_CE_STATIC

I think the issue is the zend api funtion "zend_is_callable_check_class" that throws the deprecation notice.

That is called by "zend_is_callable_at_frame" and "zend_is_callable_check_func"

"zephir_call_user_func_array_noex" calls "zend_id_callable_at_frame" but this is not the issue.

The issue is in ZEPHIR_CALL_SELF

So tracing it is
ZEPHIR_CALL_SELF -> zephir_call_class_method_aparams -> zephir_call_user_function -> zend_is_callable_at_frame passes fci.object;

So ZEPHIR_CALL_SELF and ZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_SELF calls zephir_call_class_method_aparams in the 4th passed parameter has getThis().

I guess getThis returns self.

@betrixed gave the idea or ZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_CE_STATIC, but i.e in Tag, zephir has to translate this
ZEPHIR_CALL_SELF(&_1$$7, "geturlservice", NULL, 0);

ZEPHIR_CALL_CE_STATIC(&_1$$7, phalcon_tag_ce, "geturlservice", &_0, 0);

Or, I am guessing that maybe something like this in the 2nd parameter could fix it?
(getThis() ? Z_OBJCE_P(getThis()) : NULL)

either that or we change self with Object::class?

Is this fixed in Phalcon 5.5?

Is this fixed in Phalcon 5.5?

Still on it.

Deprecation warnings removed in PHP 8.2+

Isn't it resolved only about callables, but not about self?

@s-ohnishi all 3: self, parent and static.

That’s great news. Is a stable release planned addressing this?

Good news.
I can't wait for the release!

Nice to see good results for this issue

@fichtner Releasing today

excellent news