zenorocha / codecopy

A browser extension that adds copy to clipboard buttons on every code block

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

GitHub Enterprise?

e-volusian opened this issue · comments

Can this be made to work on GitHub Enterprise instances? I've never investigated how similar they are code-wise, but the front ends are basically identical.

You'd probably have to add an option to specify the domains to run on. The two enterprise instances I use are at github.company_domain.com

Thanks for the suggestion, I will need to investigate how we can best accomplish this.

I might have found a possible solution for this, and benefit would not only be to add support for GitHub Enterprise but also other missing websites without needing to request it here and wait for it to get added.

Next 2 days will be very busy so will try to make time this weekend.

@e-volusian Would it be possible to test the PR that I made? It should solve your issue.

Tested. Confirmed working.


Thanks for quick fix!

Thanks for testing! I will merge it.
Zeno hasn't given me access to the Chrome Web Store FireFox Add-ons accounts so not sure when those will get updated.