zenorocha / alfred-workflows

:metal: A collection of Alfred 3 and 4 workflows that will rock your world

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Can I Use not working with Alfred 3

iagomelanias opened this issue · comments

There is a issue submitted (and still not replied) in the alfred-caniuse-workflow repository about a bug which there are no results being displayed when using Alfred 3.

captura de tela 2016-09-22 as 19 34 40

An observation in the description of the workflow would be awesome.


Have you tested the workflow and it is not working for you?

I am using Alfred 3 with macOS Sierra and "Can I Use" is working flawlessly (maybe the issue was alredy fixed).

Hello @santosfilipe. Yes, absolutely. This screenshot was made by myself while i was writing this issue. I'm using Alfred 3 with macOS Sierra too.

So strange, here is not working even after reinstalling the workflow.

This shouldn't be closed, the code need to be merged with the fixed one