zengfr / easymodbus4j

easymodbus4j是一个高性能和易用的 Modbus 协议的 Java 实现,基于 Netty 开发,可用于 Modbus协议的Java客户端和服务器开发, A high-performance and ease-of-use implementation of the Modbus protocol written in Java netty support for modbus 4 mode..

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117561271 opened this issue · comments


com.github.zengfr.easymodbus4j.client.ModbusClient:153 - doConnect
2022-09-07 15:45:58.512 [client-4-13] INFO com.github.zengfr.easymodbus4j.client.ModbusClient:124 - connect:
2022-09-07 15:45:58.515 [client-4-14] INFO c.g.z.e.channel.ModbusChannelInitializer:55 - initChannel->isSlave:false