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Additional blank lines make generated class not PSR2 compliant

JuJuDropThor opened this issue · comments

Hi guys

I saw PSR2 issues when generating classes.

See errors below

92 | ERROR | [x] Expected 1 blank line at end of file; 2 found
92 | ERROR | [x] The closing brace for the class must go on the next line after the body

I post you an exemple which generate these errors


namespace AppBundle\Domain\Entity;

class MyClass
     * @var int|null
    private $id = null;

     * @param int $id
     * @return $this
    public function setId($id)
        $id = (int) $id;
        $this->id = $id;

        return $this;

     * @return int
    public function getId()
        return $this->id;


@JuJuDropThor can you maybe write a test that verifies PSR-2 compliance of generated code?

I'm not sure I understand what you asked. You want to know how I checked if the generated code was PSR-2 compliant ?

I just ran phpcs with --standard=PSR2 argument.

@JuJuDropThor yes, what we'd need is a test that automates such a check

Sure. See the code below :

 * composer require zendframework/zend-code
 * php sample_1.php
 * Assuming you got phpcs in your path: phpcs ./Person.php --standard=PSR2

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Zend\Code\Generator\FileGenerator;
use Zend\Code\Generator\ClassGenerator;
use Zend\Code\Generator\PropertyGenerator;
use Zend\Code\Generator\DocBlockGenerator;
use Zend\Code\Generator\MethodGenerator;
use Zend\Code\Generator\DocBlock\Tag\ParamTag;
use Zend\Code\Generator\DocBlock\Tag\ReturnTag;
use Zend\Code\Generator\DocBlock\Tag\GenericTag;

$classGenerator = new ClassGenerator();
            'name'         => 'firstName',
            'defaultValue' => null,
            'visibility'   => PropertyGenerator::VISIBILITY_PRIVATE,
            'docblock'     => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray([
                'tags'         => [new GenericTag('var', 'string')]
            'name'         => 'lastName',
            'defaultValue' => null,
            'visibility'   => PropertyGenerator::VISIBILITY_PRIVATE,
            'docblock'     => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray([
                'tags'         => [new GenericTag('var', 'string')]
            'name'       => 'setFirstName',
            'parameters' => ['firstName'],
            'visibility' => MethodGenerator::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC,
            'body'       => '$this->firstName = $firstName;',
            'docblock'   => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray([
                'tags' => [
                    new ParamTag('firstName', ['string']),
                    new ReturnTag(['$this'])
            'name'       => 'setLastName',
            'parameters' => ['lastName'],
            'visibility' => MethodGenerator::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC,
            'body'       => '$this->lastName = $lastName;',
            'docblock'   => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray([
                'tags' => [
                    new ParamTag('lastName', ['string']),
                    new ReturnTag(['$this'])

$fileGenerator = new FileGenerator();

file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '/Person.php', $fileGenerator->generate());

Hello guys

Any news ? Tell me if you need more code.

@JuJuDropThor what would be needed is to turn this into a proper test case.
We already have phpcs installed as dev dependency: it just needs to run (as part of the test suite) in one of the tests.

Something like this class works for testing various generated code:

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Zend\Code\Generator\ClassGenerator;
use Zend\Code\Generator\FileGenerator;

class Psr2ComplianceTest extends TestCase
    public function testEmptyClassCompliance()
        $classGenerator = new ClassGenerator('Bar', 'Foo');
        $fileGenerator = new FileGenerator();
        $generatedCode = $fileGenerator->generate();

        $codeSniffer = new \PHP_CodeSniffer();
        $report = $codeSniffer->processFile('', $generatedCode);

        $this->assertEquals(0, $report->getErrorCount());
        $this->assertEquals(0, $report->getWarningCount());

I'll write some tests for various generated code later.


I added your unit test and ran it with phpunit ./test/Psr2ComplianceTest.

See bellow what I got

PHPUnit 4.8.36 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.


Time: 157 ms, Memory: 12.00MB

There was 1 failure:

1) ZendTest\Code\Psr2ComplianceTest::testEmptyClassCompliance
Failed asserting that 1 matches expected 0.


Tests: 1, Assertions: 1, Failures: 1.

$report->getErrorCount() return 1. But it's strange because $report->getErrors() return an empty array

The closing brace for the class must go on the next line after the body

That one is obvious, you have 2 blank lines but it expects 0 blank lines, that is ok.

Expected 1 blank line at end of file; 2 found

This also seems obvious, how many blank lines did you actually have?
It must be 1, not less and not more.

This repository has been closed and moved to laminas/laminas-code; a new issue has been opened at laminas/laminas-code#10.