zendesk / sunshine-conversations-ruby

Smooch API Library for Ruby

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

api not found error for app_user

angelacode opened this issue · comments

@user_instance = SmoochApi::AppUserApi.new
@user_instance.get_app_user(@app_id, @user_id)
SmoochApi::ApiError: Not Found
from /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.1/gems/smooch-api-1.5.0/lib/smooch-api/api_client.rb:65:in `call_api'

I have a proxy and see no calls made:

=> "api-smooch-io-iif755n5ifs2.runscope.net"

Looks like this is reversed?? AppUserResponse get_app_user(app_id, user_id, )

I got it to work with (user_id; app_id) ??