zendesk / belvedere

An image picker library for Android

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Success not calling when selecting PDF files

renanboni opened this issue · comments

I've been trying to upload a pdf file using the library but without success so far, when I select a PDF file using the library the success callback isn't called, any clue on my problem?

Can you provide the code you're using to upload a pdf?

I've just successfully selected and resolved a pdf. Where are you trying to load the pdf from? How does the content URI look like?

@schlan thank you for your reply, here's what I'm doing:

I have an activity with 2 buttons, which open the camera and the documents, respectively:

ctnCamera.setOnClickListener { Belvedere.from(this) .camera() .open(this) }

ctnGallery.setOnClickListener { belvedere .document() .contentType("application/pdf") .open(this) }

And then I register the callback on the activity result method:

object : Callback<List>() {
override fun success(result: List) {


The on success method is called but without any results, even though when I select images.

Here's the whole code: https://gist.github.com/renanboni/20264bde60cc98d6c45c6786ddd366db

And the debug log:

D/Belvedere: Parsing activity result - Gallery - Ok: true
Number of items received from gallery: 1
Resolving items

The success callback is not called but the onActivityResult is.

Hey, I was trying to send the pdf files using the emulator, using real device works fine.