zendesk / belvedere

An image picker library for Android

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Start from fragment does not call Fragment OnActivityResult

lucas34 opened this issue · comments


When I start the image picker from a fragment, I receive the onActivityResult inside the activity but it's not propagated to the fragment.

The method startActivityForResult inside fragment and inside context/activity is different. I don't think we can use the start activity from context all the time because Fragment doesn't extends Context.

Hi @lucas34,

If you want to use the dialog within a fragment use belvedere.showDialog(getChildFragmentManager()); to start the dialog. The results will be delivered to onActivityResult() in the same fragment.


You are correct. It's working fine now.
I should have been post this issue to Stack Overflow. :/
Thanks for helping.


You're very welcome :)