zenangst / KeyboardCowboy

:keyboard: The missing keyboard shortcut utility for macOS

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Text Command in Typing mode omits the @, $ and ^

brfransen opened this issue · comments

Some characters are not printed by the Text Command in typing mode.

@brfransen Oh, interesting. I've found some bugs related to typed input in the past, but those were suppose to be fixed by now.

Can you provide which keyboard layout you are using so I can try and replicate the issue locally.

@brfransen was able to reproduce it, working on a fix now.

Good news @brfransen, I think I got the bug all smashed and it should be gucci now.

Mind taking the latest version for a spin? - https://github.com/zenangst/KeyboardCowboy/releases/tag/3.20.1

@brfransen was able to reproduce it, working on a fix now.


Good news @brfransen, I think I got the bug all smashed and it should be gucci now.

Mind taking the latest version for a spin? - https://github.com/zenangst/KeyboardCowboy/releases/tag/3.20.1

Working perfect as expected! Thanks for the quick fix!