zenangst / Blueprints

:cyclone: Blueprints - A framework that is meant to make your life easier when working with collection view flow layouts.

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Blueprints @objc

vexelgray opened this issue · comments

Can i use this library in Objective C?

@vexelgray Good question, I haven't tried it out. I'm guessing that we'll have to add some annotations in order to expose everything that is needed into Objective-C land. You can give it a go and see, if there are any changes that needs implementing just hit me up about it... or even better, make a PR and I'll review it :)

@zenangst i don't know where is the problem exactly, but blueprints dont allow initialize the class in objective-C as you can see in this screenshot:


@vexelgray the required initializer for that layout looks like this:

required public init(
    itemsPerRow: CGFloat? = nil,
    itemSize: CGSize = CGSize(width: 50, height: 50),
    estimatedItemSize: CGSize = .zero,
    minimumInteritemSpacing: CGFloat = 0,
    minimumLineSpacing: CGFloat = 10,
    sectionInset: EdgeInsets = EdgeInsets(top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0),
    stickyHeaders: Bool = false,
    stickyFooters: Bool = false,
    animator: BlueprintLayoutAnimator = DefaultLayoutAnimator()

A bit unsure how that would translate into Obj-C but it might give you a clue to what you need to do to initialize it. The animator might cause issues as its a Swift class and does not conform to NSObject.

@zenangst i saw the init method in the swift class, but the problem is init method can't be accessed through objective-C.

@vexelgray super true, give me a few minutes and I'll see if I can't make a branch for you to try it out.
I'll keep you posted!

@vexelgray hello again... I've pushed a branch and created a PR, mind trying it out to see how it works for you?

The branch is feature/objc-support and you can find the PR here #28

@zenangst thank you! Im going to take a look and i'll say you something.

@zenangst i've just tested it and it works like a charm 💪💪💪

Thank you!!!

No worries mate, thanks for helping me test it ❤️
Just let me know if there anything else that is missing or maybe something that you'll like to collaborate on. I've spent a lot of time to optimize the framework for performance etc but it would be neat to re-focus a bit and maybe add some more features etc. All depends on the features, it covers a lot out of the box already :) Anyways, cheers and enjoy those blueprint layouts 😁