zemirco / nghellostyle

AngularJS seed for Google Closure Compiler

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Config issue ?

ctjhoa-linagora opened this issue · comments

Hi guy,
I try to start a project with closure compiler too but i'm facing a problem.
I added a logProvider in config :

 * Configuration function.
 * @param {ng.$logProvider} $logProvider
 * @param {ui.router.$stateProvider} $stateProvider
 * @param {ui.router.$urlRouterProvider} $urlRouterProvider
 * @ngInject
function config($logProvider, $stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {



And that's fail angular bootstraping saying : 'Uncaught object' in loadModules.

Any ideas ?

NB: when I comment "$logProvider.debugEnabled(true);" the bootstraping is fine.

It seems to be an issue with compilation_level flag. Downgrade it to SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS fixed the issue.

Glad you solved the issue!

hmm, with just SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS you're bypassing all the closure compiler's good stuff, aren 't you?
check your built file, if it is still optimized the way you would it expect it to be!

Yeah sure SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS is not the golden fix. Maybe i'm gonna ask this issue in the closure compiler github repo for more details.