zelon88 / HRCloud2

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Dearchiving inside subdirectories still needs work.

zelon88 opened this issue · comments

So I've discovered that HRCloud2 will extract an archive into a folder/folder/folder but it cannot display a folder/folder/folder.

Working on it!

Fixed! Commit 21b5eff

Now HRC2 SHOULD be able handle every directory / subdirectory operation under any circumstance except for Clipboard and Share operations, which are still under development.

We added a few checks for directories to the cloudCore and changed the way commonCore defines the CloudUsrDir and CloudTmpDir's. HRCloud2 now includes an automatic recursive directory checker, dubbed the "Intermediate Directory Handler."

What happens when we create deep directory structures with HRC2 and then try to download them is:

  1. HRC2 attempts to mirror the CloudLoc in the CloudTempLoc for the user.
  2. HRC2 "errors-out" when it cannot put "/pictures/friends/jane/beach.jpg" into the temp dir because "/pictures/friends/jane" does not exist, even though "pictures/friends/" DOES exist.

To fix this:

  1. Changed the way HRC2 handles directories.
  2. Added syntax checks to make sure nothing is passing invalid POST data or internal arguments.
  3. Changed the AJAX that posts to cloudCore in displaydirectorycontents_72216/index.php.
  4. Created a mechanism to check that intermediate files exist and create them when they do not.
  5. Improved relevant logging.
  6. Code that no longer takes for granted that files should exist when they do not.