zeffii / TubeTool

generate tubing between two selected polygons (now supports 2 objects simultaneously in edit mode) b2.8+

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

stage 5

zeffii opened this issue · comments

  • converting to mesh
  • adding length subdivision from operator
  • auto selecting points to make W->subdiv faster

small code dump from lunch

import bpy

objects = bpy.data.objects
obj = objects['Obj_TT_tube.002']

scene = bpy.context.scene
settings = 'PREVIEW'
modifiers = True
obj_data = obj.to_mesh(scene, modifiers, settings)

obj_n = objects.new('MESHED_' + obj.name, obj_data)
obj_n.location = (0, 0, 0)
obj_n.matrix_world = obj.matrix_world.copy()
obj.hide_render = True
obj.hide = True

this generates mesh from curve, uses the current settings -- tho i feel this is probably more convoluted than practical.

I think the way to go is really:

  • set the points to selected (this is automated at curve creation time)
  • bring the curve into object mode
    let the user to the rest..

it will hide the CurveObject from view and render. and convert in place to Mesh. (note that you will see a change in the shading of the object, curve objects seem to be lit differently than mesh objects.. the geometry should be identical )

Using the F6 menu, property changes caused by the black circles aren't reflected immediately in the sliders, mouse must first be moved. More annoyingly I have an 'equalize radii' mode ready which uses a boolean tickbox to grey out parts (radii 1 / 2) and enable a single radius slider.

-- all this works fine if the UI is on a panel ( T panel ), which recieves automatic redraw calls. The blender API prohibits manual redraws because it can potentially cause a recursive call to the redraw mechanism. There exists code to force it (shown in the Gotchas documentation) but fuck it.

hmmmm a draw call issue. Damn I don't think Python uses events/delegates.
Hold on let me take a look and try to better understand the problem

On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 4:52 AM, Dealga McArdle notifications@github.com

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#6 (comment).

Oh well you haven't put it online it seems :P But I think I get what you're
trying to do. Well there was bound to be a headache in there somewhere :D

I'm pretty sure my trying to help you in Python would be like getting help
from a chimp.

You'll figure it out ;)

An equal radii button is a good idea!

On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 1:57 PM, Allen Grippin pawnswizard@gmail.com

hmmmm a draw call issue. Damn I don't think Python uses events/delegates.
Hold on let me take a look and try to better understand the problem

On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 4:52 AM, Dealga McArdle notifications@github.com

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#6 (comment).

i'll push to master, can revert if it sucks hard.

just a heads up, F6 menu will work as expected, just the greying out isn't done until the window is closed/reopened. (changing radius 1 and 2 has no effect if equal radii is ticked )