zed-industries / zed

Code at the speed of thought – Zed is a high-performance, multiplayer code editor from the creators of Atom and Tree-sitter.

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Linux Roadmap

mikayla-maki opened this issue · comments

This is Zed's official roadmap and progress tracker for porting Zed to Linux.

Contributor Guide

There's a lot of surface area to cover and we would love contributions for anything from fixing a small todo(linux), to adding a large feature. That said, it'd probably be good to check in with us or our community in the #linux-port channel of our official Discord. Once you have a project underway, please open a draft PR with a description and small checklist of what you expect should be done, like so, so we can follow along, make suggestions, etc. If you have code that is stubbed out or out of scope, please mark it with a comment containing todo(linux), so we can search for it later.

To setup your machine to build and run Zed, run or reference the script in script/linux.

Goal: Preview release

Tracked here: #12403

Goal: Full Linux Release

  • Add support for the primary selection buffer
  • Add better fallback/error states if certain portals aren't installed
  • Add support for LiveKit's rust SDK and our media integrations
  • Integrate with gsettings and equivalent to get settings
  • Add support for File drag and drop
    • Initial implementation
    • Fix conflicting data device usages between Drag and Drop and smithay-clipboard on GNOME
  • Go through issues and fix them
  • Check performance
  • Implement the CLI
  • Implement IME
  • Distribution
  • Fix anything that comes up from public testing on preview
  • Hook up crash reporting, telemetry, etc.
  • Finalize distribution

Priority is to make a 'native feeling' window, if we can do that with X11 and Wayland directly, like winit does, then we should do that.

Window decorations on Linux are a mess.

  1. All X11 window managers will provide decorations for you.
  2. Some Wayland environments can provide decorations for you via xdg-decoration. This includes KDE, plus Sway and other wlroots-based compositors.
  3. Other Wayland environments (read: GNOME) want you to draw your own decorations. GNOME developers are adamantly against server-side decoration. I can't tell if Zed currently uses client-side decoration, but if not, that is a high priority. See this GNOME blog post for their guidelines.

EDIT: Just read the task list again. GTK 4 will not let you create a simple window with a fullscreen Vulkan context as you might want.

+1 to please officially support both Flatpak and AppImage formats.

Rust SDK is cross platform, but it uses tokio, which we don't want to use.

@mikayla-maki could you expand on this? I've had a good experience with tokio and am unaware of the downsides.

You might want to look at the reasoning of @mitchellh for not providing Linux binary builds, but working with package maintainers:


@julianbraha we provide our own executor that integrates with the macOS runtime and would prefer to not be running multiple independent executors if we can help it.

Tokio is awesome and I love the project, it’s just not in our particular niche :)

we provide our own executor that integrates with the macOS runtime and would prefer to not be running multiple independent executors if we can help it.

I see, so it would be easier to port this executor to other platforms, than to replace Zed's executor with Tokio?


Flatpak is good for something you want on multiple linux distros with least amount of effort. However remember that flatpak has some security systems in place, so for example reading header files from /usr/... can be difficult for language-server processes that are launched within the flatpak. (This may be changed over time, dunno)

Having a tarball that distro packages can just make installable (or people can just drop it in ~/.local/bin/ is probably the best at first.

Look and feel wise, i hope you go for a solution that works on most platforms: KDE Plasma uses QT, GNOME uses GTK and so on. GTK is likely the most flexible across multiple desktop environments (or bare WM's), because Plasma can "modify" GTK themes to fit in (albeit it's never really perfect fit).

Decorations, and well everything-else wise: Just use xdg portals. They're the bread and butter of modern linux desktop. :)

Edit: To add, avoid targeting X11. It is on it's way out of many desktop environments. Wayland is the preferred target.

I made three pull requests to get the ball rolling.


The next step is to implement a Wgpu or Vulkano backend.
I started the work here, however, Gpui assumes an interface that is hard to implement for things other than MacOS Metal, and it takes quite a lot of time and expertise in GPU to do that. So it needs to be teamwork.

I have seen the Windows implementation here, but not sure if it is sustainable to duplicate the work for each operating system instead of using a cross-platform abstraction.

Originally posted by @aminya in https://github.com/zed-industries/zed/issues/6868#issuecomment-1913485159

Priority is to make a 'native feeling' window, if we can do that with X11 and Wayland directly

Please don't expend effort on X11, it is very very much on the way out the door and some distros, and many desktops are now forcing wayland only.

You might want to look at the reasoning of @mitchellh for not providing Linux binary builds, but working with package maintainers:


Both can be done. It's not unusual for projects based in rust to provide static builds and many folks who come to the github project will not care so long as they can download it. On the same note, I've seen more than a few projects keep a table of known distro builds that others contribute, plus it's not unlikely to see distros pick up a popular editor.

And lastly - flatpak is certainly another option (and distribute through flathub.org). Between static builds plus flatpak it pretty much covers all bases.

For completeness, I'd also like to point out the following possible approaches (in addition to wgpu and Vulkano):

  1. Blade-graphics. Gives you portable Metal/Vulkan/GLES/WebGL with little to no overhead. Notably, a very easy porting path from Metal, e.g. resource handles can be copied around and stored freely.
  2. wgpu-hal. Gives you portable Metal/Vulkan/D3D12/GL/GLES/WebGL/WebGPU backend with little to no overhead. Plus side - being well tested as it sits below wgpu. On the minus side it's a bit verbose and requires some care.
  3. ash. Just a raw Vulkan API, so would sit alongside the existing Metal backend instead of replacing it (I don't expect you to be interested in MoltenVK). Very verbose and quite difficult to program for.

I've been working on the Blade port of GPUI in here - https://github.com/kvark/zed/tree/blade. It should be able to replace the existing Metal backend of GPUI once we see promise on Linux/Windows.

@julianbraha we provide our own executor that integrates with the macOS runtime and would prefer to not be running multiple independent executors if we can help it.

Tokio is awesome and I love the project, it’s just not in our particular niche :)

@mikayla-maki Could you elaborate on your criteria for evaluating a runtime?

I think the approach should be to write cross-platform code with maximum maintainability rather than reinventing all the wheels. That would just delay shipping features, and it would make it harder to maintain and develop later. In the open-source community, it is important to work together and reuse where possible

@mikayla-maki, as far as I see, live kit only provides client side sdk for rust and not the server side one. Is the plan to write the server side SDK ourselves?

@mikayla-maki, as far as I see, live kit only provides client side sdk for rust and not the server side one. Is the plan to write the server side SDK ourselves?

The server (see our collab crate) is already running on Linux machines, as far as I know.

snap would be fine too, since it is better for accessing the terminal (out of the box, without any configuration) than flatpak.

Please don't waste time on X11. In the last couple years there has been a complete sea change and X11 development (from the X server side) is completely dead. All new development is being done on the Wayland side, all distros have been switching to it by default, it is the only way to support new hardware, etc. X11 stuff will hang around for a long time but for a big new project to do a bunch of coding specific for it would be a bad investment of time. Architect for Wayland and move on. If the community backports to X11 from there that's fine, but trying to architect for it out of the box will hold things back significantly.

Please don't waste time on X11. In the last couple years there has been a complete sea change and X11 development (from the X server side) is completely dead. All new development is being done on the Wayland side, all distros have been switching to it by default, it is the only way to support new hardware, etc. X11 stuff will hang around for a long time but for a big new project to do a bunch of coding specific for it would be a bad investment of time. Architect for Wayland and move on. If the community backports to X11 from there that's fine, but trying to architect for it out of the box will hold things back significantly.

While this is true, a lot of accessibility features are not available under Wayland, so many people use X11 still, and those should not be disregarded

While this is true, a lot of accessibility features are not available under Wayland

This was much more true a year or two ago, it has come a long ways. It is not 100% on par yet, but 100% of the display server developer momentum is behind Wayland. X11 is abandoned even by it's own former core developers. While some existing apps may have a case for not ditching support quite yet if holding onto existing support isn't costing them much, but I do not believe many new apps have much of a case to make for developing for something that is a known dead end. In Zed's case in particular working on a custom UI toolkit it would be a poor choice to design it around a legacy system that does not support new hardware, stopped getting bug fixes years ago, and distros are actively trying to deprecate (in some cases successfully).

that does not support new hardware

Which new hardware are you talking about?

that does not support new hardware

Which new hardware are you talking about?

Graphics for one. While there will be a general level of usability for now, you should expect it to get worse over time as things advance well past what X11 is capable of. X11 has many issues, not least of which is poor multi-display support (on hybrid laptops especially, and in general).

2024 will see a lot of momentum behind wayland. To try supporting X11 at this time is poor time and effort investment.

snap would be fine too, since it is better for accessing the terminal (out of the box, without any configuration) than flatpak.

Except that it is supported only by canonical and locked down by them. There is pretty much zero chance of use outside of ubuntu.

Graphics for one

Which, exactly? Could you name some models? Wayland has a lot of issues with all of the NVIDIA GPUs, so most GPUs on the market. You cited some unnamed “new graphics hardware” without any details.

@GoldsteinE I see that you are heavily invested in xorg with your nix setup (and bspwm - nice tiler tbh, I used to use it) so this is going to be my only response to you as I'm wary of emotional investment in such things. I understand you are likely anxious due to talk about not supporting xorg while you still use it.

Asus send me ROG laptops to support under linux every year, The general trend I've seen is the nvida based external outputs are very poorly supported in xorg. This drastically reduces usability, meanwhile KDE-6 which is shifting to wayland only handles nvidia-outputs with different resolutions and scaling very smoothly - no issues at all so far in my testing. The step up in quality and usability over the old xorg session is incredible (oh and you get better touch/gesture support). The same can be said of the coming Cosmic desktop suite. And Budgie is moiving to wayland only, so is Gnome. XFCE is working on it. Cinnamon is.... The 2 major desktops plus a large smattering of others.

So poor display handling. Poor performance in some instances. And the general momentum. Xorg is an evolutionary deadend that is no-longer supported.

You still did not name any specific hardware, but okay, sure.

At this point, a Wayland backend should be the target for any new software, and an x11 backend a best effort by whoever wants to contribute it. Ubuntu is switching to wayland by default, Fedora has been for a while now and Mint already have an experimental Cinnamon Wayland session. The majority of GPUs out there I'd dare say are integrated graphics, not nvidia, especially on non-gaming setups and laptops. The Nvidia situation is far better today than it was a year ago.

Oh god. X11 terminators flooded here. Please don't flood productive projects with your rants.
X11 and Wayland are both >> actively used << software, with no vanishing in sight for many years at this time. There is zero point in discussing it or advocating for such things here.

For an application developer, it should be an abstracted detail. I would definitely suggest using (/re-shaping) a library that abstracts this detail, and provides you a nice start, eg. a window with a Vulkan drawing context, on any OS, on any stack, or on any GPU.

Linux Non-MacOS Support

By using slightly nice abstractions, and by avoiding Linux specifics from day 1, OS support could be expanded well beyond Linux. BSD or other OS users could benefit as well.

Input Method

On the other hand, there are a few problems that all new software experiences if the UI stack is a scratch one. Input Method support is the first in the list. I think winit now has it partially covered. Details could be seen here for reference => rust-windowing/winit#1497 It is a complete deal-breaker, when users cannot input non-latin/CJK into an editor.

Not sure how suitable SDL would be as a dependency, for dealing with low level graphics setup, AFAIK, it also provides good level of abstraction, yet allows the app to do the rendering. SDL's platform support is no-joke. Overhead, I don't know but probably less than GTK4.

Packaging and Distribution

This is where the community could be most helpful, and it would not effect specific details of the application design much I guess? Although, packaging sometimes means sandboxing as well. (next item)

Sandboxing and portals

Supporting for xdg portals from the beginning would be very healthy. Firefox might be a good example there, it's file open/save dialogs work with portals if portal support is found on session bus, otherwise it attempts native access to the files/folders. Thus it works with both sandboxed and non-sandboxed cases. For Zed editor, I believe it would be relevant for opening/saving files and folders, and for clipboard access.

Accessing global git configuration or git/ssh/gpg credentials might be tricky in sandbox situations. Not accessing credentials is even better, probably by leveraging ssh-agent/gpg-agent and such.

If this other needs for credentials, keychain/wallet~ish subsystems are not standardized yet afaik. or org.freedesktop.portal.Secret is there for it? it might need checking. As an example, I see that Chromium making it a CLI argument to enable, https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/KDE_Wallet#KDE_Wallet_for_Chrome_and_Chromium

Other related projects, also working on cross platform support;

  • lapce - uses custom UI lib, over wgpu
  • alacritty - uses winit & glutin
  • sublime text - non-foss, uses gtk4 afaik, suffers from input method issues on some setups

Except that it is supported only by canonical and locked down by them. There is pretty much zero chance of use outside of ubuntu.

well, you can install snaps on other distros too, like for example all big distros

This is a tracking issue for our plan for Linux support.

Let’s not get into a debate about X11 vs Wayland here. If you’d like to discuss the merits/downsides of them, please open a separate GitHub discussion.

Same goes for packaging approaches. If you have opinions on the matter, please open a discussion.

I suggest contacting the warp.dev to perhaps discuss the solution they use to achieve the same thing. The experience has always been great on macOS and Linux with Warp, and this is also a Rust project with (IIRC) a custom renderer.

I suggest contacting the warp.dev to perhaps discuss the solution they use to achieve the same thing.

Warp.dev uses Alacritty, which uses openGL for rendering.

I suggest contacting the warp.dev to perhaps discuss the solution they use to achieve the same thing.

Warp.dev uses Alacritty, which uses openGL for rendering.

How does Warp use alacritty? Anyway, I was not talking just about the rendering but about the overall experience of porting a macOS-only app to Linux. Warp already works great on Linux for many people and it will only improve from there, why not just talk to the guys over there and see where they have found issues and how they solved those instead of walking exactly the same path twice by two different groups of people?

I suggest contacting the warp.dev to perhaps discuss the solution they use to achieve the same thing.

Warp.dev uses Alacritty, which uses openGL for rendering.

How does Warp use alacritty?

See the Data Model section of the How Warp Works blog: https://www.warp.dev/blog/how-warp-works

Also, on a second reading, it seems that Alacritty was only forked for this aspect, and it does its own rendering, so nevermind about openGL.

snap would be fine too, since it is better for accessing the terminal (out of the box, without any configuration) than flatpak.

This is a valid comment and I don't think you deserve the flak that you're receiving. That said, I don't think that your concerns applies here: Zed is designed as a thin-client, with all the actual compiling and such is done in a centralised server.

In that regard; Using Flatpak (or snap) is even more important... Since you don't want to support clients that are part of an LTS release for 5+ years

Collaborate with distro packagers?

Word of warning. Different distributions have their own rules about support, compiler toolchains, and licencing. If you want to submit your package to Debian, you must promise 5+ years in backwards compatibility because that's the 'stable' release cycle they adhere too. Fedora might reject your package if it can't be built with GCC, and your non-free back-end might also disqualify you for both. Flathub in the other hand does not care; you decide what's best for your application and users.

As a flathub volunteer, I trust distribution maintainers in providing me with a reliablecore system... But I don't go to them if I need the latest or bleeding edge.

In the end, there are a few hard decisions to be made.

snap would be fine too, since it is better for accessing the terminal (out of the box, without any configuration) than flatpak.

This is a valid comment and I don't think you deserve the flak that you're receiving. That said, I don't think that your concerns applies here: Zed is designed as a thin-client, with all the actual compiling and such is done in a centralised server.

In that regard; Using Flatpak (or snap) is even more important... Since you don't want to support clients that are part of an LTS release for 5+ years

Collaborate with distro packagers?

Word of warning. Different distributions have their own rules about support, compiler toolchains, and licencing. If you want to submit your package to Debian, you must promise 5+ years in backwards compatibility because that's the 'stable' release cycle they adhere too. Fedora might reject your package if it can't be built with GCC, and your non-free back-end might also disqualify you for both. Flathub in the other hand does not care; you decide what's best for your application and users.

As a flathub volunteer, I trust distribution maintainers in providing me with a reliablecore system... But I don't go to them if I need the latest or bleeding edge.

In the end, there are a few hard decisions to be made.

You might be able to partner with some of the people at Arch Linux since Arch runs on the bleeding edge. Barring that, you can still make and provide an AUR package.

You might be able to partner with some of the people at Arch Linux since Arch runs on the bleeding edge. Barring that, you can still make and provide an AUR package.

There is already a package submitted to AUR (obviously currently not working):

is is a valid comment and I don't think you deserve the flak that you're receiving.

this is a discussion about linux. Instead of being happy that zed will be available for linux too, they complain about snaps, x11, wayland and such things. I personally replaced a lot of distro packages with snaps and flats. and to be honest, in some cases snaps feel better than flats. with snaps I don't need to do any configuration as I need with flatpaks, like the case of the terminal in vsCode. and it is as you said, independent from lts versions and distros, you have just one flat or snap which is distro agnostic and lts version agnostic. and in the end of the day, it's just an app, I don't care how it is distributed, as long as it is being maintained and updated. linux elitist can't get over this fact

any plans to at least distribute a rpm package and regarding @Eonfge's comment you could get it could under the non-free / 3rd party section

I don't think distribution is going to be a problem now that the editor itself is GPLv3 (and the server is AGPL so that should be fine for pretty much all distros too). Actually building & long term maintaining packages seems like it'd be the more pressing issue.

Any updates on the progress or who is currently working on what?

As a note for those who are unaware. We do not even have the GUI library that Zed is built on for Linux. That's a huge work and will take a lot of expertise and effort to implement.

The arguments over the distribution and the package formats are so out of scope right now! So please keep this focused.

Priority is to make a 'native feeling' window, if we can do that with X11 and Wayland directly, like winit does, then we should do that.

Is there any reason as to why not rely on winit directly to provide the window abstraction?

Any updates on the progress or who is currently working on what?

You can see the current state of what people are working on in the issue text, note that as of right now (2/1/24) me and Julia are tagged on two bullet points, those are the things we're actively working on. As for progress updates, we'll be making PRs in the main Zed repo and marking down details in this tracking issue as we go :)

I don't think we have any plans for regular 'the state of Zed on Linux' style posts, we're just gonna keep working at it until it's done.

Is there any reason as to why not rely on winit directly to provide the window abstraction?

At Zed, we generally prioritize long term agility by taking ownership of as many parts of the stack as we can. Like with Tokio, the winit folks are fantastic and do great work, and I personally have learned a lot from both of them. But using their libraries directly just doesn't fit with how we've decided to approach these hard problems. This does mean we have to do more work, and re-discover bugs many people have already found, but it also means we can fix things as soon as they come up and explore paths not taken. Changing this approach is not up for discussion.

and your non-free back-end might also disqualify you for both

Is AGPL not considered free @Eonfge? Our backend is in this repo, under crates/collab, and is licensed under AGPL. I think the only non-public code we have is for our website, which is a glorified brochure that doesn't do much more than provide access to the github login flow and host our blog. That said, I doubt we'll ever be interested in providing 5 year LTS 😂, so the question is probably moot.

Is AGPL not considered free @Eonfge?

@mikayla-maki, it's as free as it gets, but perhaps the state of the backend wrt the license should be mentioned more prominently. It's still a bit unbelievable (too good to be true) that it is free/open-source, because most people probably expected that it's what you'd be monetizing. The website says “It's also open source.” but feel free to make louder claims – “fully open-source”, “both the editor and the backend implementation are open-source”, etc.

It's still a bit unbelievable (too good to be true) that it is free/open-source, because most people probably expected that it's what you'd be monetizing.

Fundamentally, we want to change the way people write software. As we say in our repository subtitle Zed is "the fast and social code editor." (Emphasis added). We think the best way to drive this kind of change, is to let everyone in! Show everybody that our vision can work! We're not aiming to standardize or stabilize things for a long time (if ever) but this is the next best thing.

I actually did not know this is all open, I am delighted to hear that. Be proud of your AGPL license, use it as a "selling" point! ;)

Also UI toolkit wise, since you seem to be using Rust, GTK might be easier for that since afaik it works with Rust.

I think there are other Rust UI solutions that work on Linux though, but I do not know enough to advice on that.

Very interested in this project, always happy to see more text editors so that we all just don't use VSCode ;)

If I am allowed to make this kind of comment, I would suggest to take a look at lapce. Another open source editor made with rust. They use wgpu for renderin, and in their github repo they mention all the other things they use. Maybe getting some inspiration from them for linux would not hurt anyone.

Switch to Vulkan if it doesn't work out

I hope you are also considering Linux running on older hardware with no or bad Vulkan support. Many hardware-accelerated UIs on Linux such as Firefox or GTK 4 still support OpenGL 3.x.

Switch to Vulkan if it doesn't work out

I hope you are also considering Linux running on older hardware with no or bad Vulkan support. Many hardware-accelerated UIs on Linux such as Firefox or GTK 4 still support OpenGL 3.x.

GTK and Firefox existed before Vulkan.

At this point the oldest cards that support Vulkan (at least for AMD) are roughly 12 years old.

I have doubts that the crossover between people excited about Zed and people trying to run it on hardware that's 10+ years old is going to be very high.

At some point, new things shouldn't be expected to cater to increasingly dated hardware.

In theory, supporting WebGPU through Dawn would already give enough support for all major platforms under the same rendering codebase but that sounds super messy.
I don't exactly know how Zed works nor how the development is structured but I feel like supporting so much rendering apis all at once might be detrimental...

2. WebGPU
A Taste of WebGPU in Firefox
GPU for the Web

API concepts

WebGPU aims to work on top of modern graphics APIs: Vulkan, D3D12, and Metal. The constructs exposed to the users reflect >the basic primitives of these low-level APIs. Let’s walk through the main constructs of WebGPU and explain them in the context >of WebGL – the only baseline we have today on the Web.

+1 for working with package maintainers. Many linux users avoid things like snap, flatpak, etc. and prefer to keep their system maintainted via their package manager

Want to express my support for a flatpak package. Distributing that way simplifies packaging work immensely and it's the de facto standard for universal linux packaging.

Global Suggestion for ZED editor developing including Linux. To make work on plugins parallel to work on editor — VSC was use by millions, not for editor itself. But for easy configuration, command palette and most important plugins (if no external developer then Microsoft write is by self — work on plugins was parallel). Plugins for various language and use case — so get some developer of plugins' attentions soon as possible and make a bunch of it to start. Many users and developers, drop ATOM because of lack of certain plugins to work.

I don't see how this is related to the Linux port?

make all VSC working in ZED

Oh god, please NO!
I don't want the bloat of VS Code.
I want a helix GUI.

One nice thing would be to integrate with Devcontainers so that immutable distro users can easily use it with podman/docker containers in a flatpak.

make all VSC plugins working in ZED

Oh god, please NO! I don't want the bloat of VS Code. I want a helix GUI.

Why? Plugins (specific plugins) are, must have or the ZED end like ATOM.

Yes, but not the bloated ones in "YavaScript" that VS Code has...
Or maybe, you can do YavaScript but it needs to be able to compile down to WASM?

That's all not relevant to the Linux port. There are people here watching this Issue to get notified about updates on the availability on Linux. They now get constantly notified with all this off topic stuff.

I am really excited for the linux port, I wish I could help somehow but I am really a beginner, I know nothing about GPUI and I am just learning Rust, Also I am unable to find any discord server regarding Zed to connect with the community. I wonder who will be the maintainer of Zed in AUR. It's nice seeing all this rapid progress in a Linux port, best wishes from my side.

@anirban6996 That is pretty off topic for this thread. It's kind of a moot point until Linux is actually supported but please comment on AUR related issues on the zed-editor package or submit contributions via PR here. It won't be long-lived in the AUR though, there is enough interest that I'll be moving it to official Arch Linux repos just as as soon as there is a stable release that works half way decently an no blockers regarding dependencies or whatever.

Blade seems like a poor choice when compared to wgpu, particularly in regards to being widely tested and used. So far I've been unable to run the latest zed state, or the blade examples - kvark/blade#75

Blade seems like a poor choice when compared to wgpu, particularly in regards to being widely tested and used. So far I've been unable to run the latest zed state, or the blade examples - kvark/blade#75

The current state is still in development, and there is still much work to do (e.g. #7664, #7555, etc.)

Most of the code contributed so far has been by volunteers. Nothing stops others to contribute a wgpu implementation.

The implementation is partially reusable for other libraries (shaders, interfaces, text systems, etc.). Given the current Blade work, adding wgpu implementation is easier.

Blade seems like a poor choice when compared to wgpu

wgpu requires some CPU overhead to provide features we don’t need. If we choose to switch off of blade, it’ll be to wgpu-hal or Vulkan directly. These kinds of long term technical commitments are not up for debate but we appreciate folks trying to help out :)

wgpu does not provide the access to some features we currently use

@mikayla-maki could you share more details on what these missing features are? I was considering using wgpu for something, and would like to know what you guys encountered.

i cant wait!!!!!!

please stop spamming this issue, people (like me) are subscribed to this issue and get notifications on every comment.

Regarding packaging, if a Fedora package is desired I can help produce or coordinate this as a member of Fedora packaging. Please do contact me if you'd like help with that.

Wanted to note progress on input handling (only on x11 so far) is being made with #7811

Wanted to note progress on input handling (only on x11 so far) is being made with #7811

Which is why discussion on this issue is important. Many have already indicated that it's a waste of time and effort to support the legacy X11, but unfortunately it seems like the community's input is falling on deaf ears...

@teohhanhui On the contrary: that that PR is written by someone from the community rather than Zed staff, so I'd say the community's input is being very much put to good use. (Although I personally do agree on Wayland being the more interesting target. Alas I don't currently have much time to help advance that implementation so I'll just have to wait for someone else to do so.)

If you have objections to the approach taken in some PR, voicing them in the comments of said PR would seem more useful than here. This is a progress tracking issue after all, not an RFC.

file dialogs: #7852

Wanted to note progress on input handling (only on x11 so far) is being made with #7811

... and here's wayland! #7857

Is there any reason most of the discussion seems to be about using gtk as a toolkit instead of QT?

Additionally, I don't think it makes sense to do client-side decorations just because one DE (gnome), says they like them. For most other DEs, like KDE Plasma and xfce, this is not the norm.

At the very least If one does add support for some sort of fancy client side decorations, It should be an option in my opinion.

Additionally, I don't think it makes sense to do client-side decorations just because one DE (gnome), says they like them. For most other DEs, like KDE Plasma and xfce, this is not the norm.

I thought Xfce switched to CSD as well? https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2020/01/xfce-4-16-client-side-decoration

Additionally, I don't think it makes sense to do client-side decorations just because one DE (gnome), says they like them.

But what, when that one DE is used by most distros?

This discussion seems a bit pointless, considering you have to implement client side decorations for gnome anyway. You can then make this configurable, for example how vscode gives you the option between native, and custom decorations, where native means the compositor draws their own decorations, and custom means vscode draws client side decorations.

Wayland fractional scaling: #7961
Wayland improved keyboard handling: #7970

This discussion seems a bit pointless, considering you have to implement client side decorations for gnome anyway.

Not to mention that Zed already chooses to unconditionally do CSD on macOS, as a style choice. For GPUI in general it's a more open-ended question, but I think that warrants opening a separate issue just for sorting that part out.

Additionally, I don't think it makes sense to do client-side decorations just because one DE (gnome), says they like them. For most other DEs, like KDE Plasma and xfce, this is not the norm.

I thought Xfce switched to CSD as well? https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2020/01/xfce-4-16-client-side-decoration

They made it optional after backlash from users https://gitlab.xfce.org/xfce/libxfce4ui/-/issues/14

Making it optional is the only valid answer, gnome is not "linux", next up is smartphone UI, because using the mouse is "too precise", everyone is typing code on a touchscreen, so buttons should be huge icons instead, oh wait


too late..

To people complaining, brace yourselves https://linuxiac.com/gnome-background-apps/

Enshitification of linux

Signed: redhat and microsoft

Regarding fsevents becoming cross platform, for linux there are inotify bindings for rust (https://docs.rs/inotify/latest/inotify/), however there seems to be a bit of wrangling needed to get this to work with the current framework eg the file flags coming directly from ffi: is this something that you'd prefer to have done in-house at zed due to how opinionated this may be?

To people complaining, brace yourselves https://linuxiac.com/gnome-background-apps/

Enshitification of linux

Signed: redhat and microsoft

What does this have to do with zed. I'm glad you don't like gnome (you are entitled to your opinion), but spreading fud isn't helping anyone. Zed can have client and server decorations. The wayland spec even allows you to query the desktop of server side support without worrying about gnome vs kde vs sway vs whatever. Linux is getting better and I've been dying for something like zed to come around for a while now, and seeing the progress on it so far is amazing.

I think we've got enough off-topic comments at this point, locking the entire conversation to avoid spamming peoples' emails.
@\mikayla-maki or anybody else relevant to the actual development process are welcome to undo this, or (as I would prefer but not insisting) post development updates here themselves.

Consider opening a PR with related changes or using Zed Discord as a platform for discussions.

Small update: the web site is being transitioned gradually towards multiple platforms: https://zed.dev/download


and seems that Linux build is quite usable at this point, so we hope to have "alpha" Linux builds will soon be published regularly.