zealdocs / zeal

Offline documentation browser inspired by Dash

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macOS version builds fine but there's no UI

nezorflame opened this issue · comments


As the title suggests, the app itself builds fine, following instructions from the Wiki (both by using the provided brew tap and by manually building it from the latest Git commit de213a7), but when you open the built package Zeal.app, nothing happens on the screen - just the app icon appears on the dock, but no UI elements are present.

OS info:

  • macOS 14.3.1 23D60 arm64 (latest non-beta release, Apple Silicone)
  • Xcode version 15.2 (15C500b) (latest non-beta release)
  • xcode-select version 2405 (provided by Xcode)

Update - turns out that some info was missing during the build: after I removed and reinstalled it from the tap, it launched fine.