zdemirag / BRIL_ITsim

edm analyser for BRIL IT simulations

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The not yet ultimate guide to BRIL Inner Tracker Simulations


This guide is intended for people working on the BRIL Phase II upgrade, more specifically simulations of the Inner Tracker for Lumi measurements. It gives detailed instructions on how to set up and run simulations with custom IT geometries and varying levels of pileup. It is sectioned in the following parts:

  1. setting up an appropriate CMSSW Environment
  2. using custom geometry files exported from TkLayout
  3. generating Minimum Bias Events using the custom geometry to use as Pileup input for the rest of the simulation
  4. running the full simulation
    • locally using the runSim.sh script that wraps cmsDriver commands and a custom config file for more convenience
    • on the HT Condor batch system using the runSim.sh script and a submission file
  5. runnig the BRIL ITclusterAnalyzer on the output EDM file to populate BRIL relevant histograms for further analysis

Setting up an Environment

It is preferrable to run these steps on a machine with access to the CERN cvmfs read-only filesystem as this allows to use different CMSSW releases -- this usually means lxplus. Before you get started, make sure that you have a few GB of available space in the directory you want to run in. This could either be /afs or /eos. The release this guide is based on is CMSSW_10_4_0_pre2 that you set up like so:

source $VO_CMS_SW_DIR/cmsset_default.sh
mkdir mySimDir
cd mySimDir
cmsrel CMSSW_10_4_0_pre2
cd CMSSW_10_4_0_pre2/src/

This creates a CMSSW working area in the directory mySimDir/ where a directory tree is created in the CMSSW_10_4_0_pre2/ folder. All your code and packages are always going to the /src subdirecory - it is the only place where you will be working.


This sets up the working environment, the paths and the right compiler. In the next step we need to check out some packages from the CMSSW github repo that we want to modify. Specifically, these will contain the modified geometry files.

git cms-addpkg Configuration/PyReleaseValidation
git cms-addpkg Configuration/StandardSequences
git cms-addpkg Geometry/TrackerCommonData
git cms-addpkg Geometry/TrackerRecoData
git cms-addpkg Geometry/TrackerSimData
git cms-addpkg SLHCUpgradeSimulations/Geometry

Using custom Geometries

Once done with the previous step, you have to get the custom geometry files and put them in the appropriate place. First, you have to check out this repo in your CMSSW work area, so mySimDir/CMSSW_10_4_0_pre2/src.

cd mySimDir/CMSSW_10_4_0_pre2/src
git clone https://github.com/gauzinge/BRIL_ITsim.git
cd BRIL_ITsim

or better yet fork the repo to your github account! Now you can call the copyGeo.sh with the following arguments: -s=mysourceDir -d=mydestDir to copy all relevant geometry files from the source (most likely mySimDir/BRIL_ITsim/ITGeometries/OT614_200_IT612 or mySimDir/BRIL_ITsim/ITGeometries/OT614_200_IT613 in this repo as source and mySimDir/CMSSW_10_4_0_pre2/src as destination). Alternatively you can hardcode the paths in the copyGeo.sh script. If you use command line parsing you need to provide the absolute path. At the time of writing IT geometry 6.1.3 is the latest and greatest.

source copyGeo.sh -s=mySimDir/CMSSW_10_4_0_pre2/src//BRIL_ITsim/ITGeometries/OT614_200_IT613 -d=mySimDir/CMSSW_10_4_0_pre2/src

The next step is crucial, so pay attention: since you modified the geometry files you have to re-build your added CMSSW sources. This is done using the scram command

scram b -j8

for 8 core compilation. Now everything you do will be based on the custom geometry.

Using non-standard Pileup scenarios

The new runSim.sh script uses a cmsDriver config file that combines all the steps that runTheMaxtrix.py would call in a single python file - therefore it is not necessary to change any files for custom Pileup scenarios as the PU number is directly passed to the config from the runSim.sh script. I strongly advise against using the runTheMatrix.py command for anything at this stage.

Generating Minimum Bias Events to use as Pileup Input in the actual Simulation

The next step is to generate a large enough sample of Minimum Bias events for your scenario that can later be used as Pileup input for the actual simulation. To do this, you need to run either the first step of the workflow generated by the CMS runTheMatrix.py command (not recommended) or the runMinbias.sh scrpt (recommended). Just be sure to edit the script to have the appropriate output paths set correctly.

.runMinBias.sh NEVENTS JOBID

The first argument is the number of events to generate and the second is the jobid for batch processing - read on to learn more (For now you can set it to 0).

Alternatively you can use any of these files: /afs/cern.ch/work/g/gauzinge/public/minBiasFiles/ which uses geometry IT613. There are many such files and they can be provided to the pileup input as a list in the next stage.

#####The following workflow is not recommended!

It is important to choose the right scenario which in our case is the Phase II upgrade. The name is 2023D21.

runTheMatrix.py --what upgrade -l 21240 -ne

will just dump the commands to your terminal but I suggest running the actual cmsDriver command instead:

cmsDriver.py MinBias_14TeV_pythia8_TuneCUETP8M1_cfi  --conditions auto:phase2_realistic -n 2000 --era Phase2 --eventcontent FEVTDEBUG --relval 90000,100 -s GEN,SIM --datatier GEN-SIM --beamspot HLLHC14TeV --geometry Extended2023D21 --nThreads 4

this generates 2000 Minimum Bias Events in a file called MinBias_14TeV_pythia8_TuneCUETP8M1_cfi_GEN_SIM.root -- put it somewhere where you won't accidentially delete it:

cd mySimDir/CMSSW_10_4_0_pre2/src
mkdir myMinBiasSample
mv  MinBias_14TeV_pythia8_TuneCUETP8M1_cfi_GEN_SIM.* myMinBiasSample/

Congratulations, you are almost done! In order to use these events you have to edit a file in mySimDir/CMSSW_10_4_0_pre2/src/Configuration/PyReleaseValidation/python/relval_steps.py: the easiest is to search for the string PUData in your editor. Then edit these lines:

for ds in defaultDataSets:
#    if '2017' in name or '2018' in name:
    if '2017' in name:
    elif '2018' in name:

change the last line to point to your Minimum Bias Sample file (be sure to use an absolute path from your home direcotory - otherwise batched simulations won't work):


this will tell CMSSW to use your Minimum Bias Data sample as Pileup input instead of some files with a standard geometry from the database. This is really important. Next, you have to once more compile your work environment to make it pick up the changes:

scram b -j8

Congratulations, you are all set for running the actual simulation!

Running the full Simulation

There are 3 possible ways to run the full simulation. The normal way using the runTheMatrix.py command, a wrapper script called runSim.sh that is part of this repo or in batch mode on the CERN HT Condor batch service. The details will be described in the following sections!

RunTheMatrix - just to validate your working environment

Now, to test your working environment, you can use the runTheMatrx.py script provided with CMSSW. Again, this will launch a 3 step process of generating events of a certain type, simulating the detector response and reconstruction the events. More specifically, the pixel clustering happens in step3 (the RECO step). The scenario we want to use for our purposes is a single Neutrino (so an empty detector) overlaid with a variable number of pileup. The scenario has the label 21461. So in your CMMSW src directory run:

runTheMatrix.py --what upgrade -l 21461 --command "-n 100"

The --command "-n 100" specifies 100 events. Change it if you want but be patient. Oh, and the default pileup number is 35. You can't easily change it in this workflow but it is essentially just a test to test the environment. Wait for the process to complete and then check your working directory: you should see files step1.root, step2.root and step3.root. The file you are interested in is always step3.root. Try verifying that it contains a collection of type SiPixelCluster:

edmDumpEventContent step3.root | grep SiPixelCluster

See something? Great, you are done for this part.

Running simulations locally using the runSim.sh script -- RECOMMENDED

Since the above workflow is tedious and does not really give you fine control over the options (plus it runs a bunch of processes that we don't need) it is usually better to use the runSim.sh script provided with this repo. It has some filepaths hardcoded (for example the path to put the output files and the pileup input files) so you want to open it in your editor and fix all the paths at the top of the script - you may also want to change the number of threads to something reasonable for your job.

Before you continue however, you need to sandbox your CMSSW working environment (you could use the sandbox of this repo if you did only make the changes listed above). This is important for batch processing but we'll also use it for this case. To do that, create a new direcotry somewhere on your /afs or /eos and copy the CMSSW_10_4_0_pre2 direcotry there. Alternatively you can just use the sandbox provided with the repo but it's the geometry mentioned above so be prudent. You'll need to repeat the steps below for each new geometry.

mkdir test
cp -rf mySimDir/CMSSW_10_4_0_pre2/ test

next, cd to that directory and remove all unnecessary files (don't be shy, you are working on a copy).

cd ~/test/CMSSW_10_4_0_pre2/src/
rm -rf BRIL_ITsim
rm -rf myMinBiasSample

Next, tar up your sandbox and copy it to your working area mySimDir/CMSSW_10_4_0_pre2/src/BRIL_ITsim/:

cd test
tar -jcf sandbox.tar.bz2 CMSSW_10_4_0_pre2/
cp sandbox.tar.bz2 mySimDir/CMSSW_10_4_0_pre2/src/BRIL_ITsim

Now you are ready to run the script. The runSim.sh script takes 3 command line arguments


The first one is the PU you want to run and any number can be specified, the second one is the number of events and the third one is a jobid (irrelevant for this case but important in batch mode) - please always provide all three. For now you can set the jobid to 0. This runs all three steps of the runTheMatrix.py command in a single process and in addition slims the output step3.root file down to only conatain pixel relevant collections. The resulting output file is called step3_pixel_PU_${PU}.${JOBID}.root where ${PU} and ${JOBID} are replaced with your command line arguments. This is the file we will use as input to the ITclusterAnalyzer later.

Runnig simulations on CERN HT Condor batch service

Before you do anything, first read the HT Condor guide including chapter 3.

Done? Good, now you know about submission files. Have a look at the generatePU.sub file proveded with this repo. Change the PU parameter variable, the NEvents variable, the request_cpu number to match your number of threads in the runSim.sh script and the number of parallel jobs. Try with a small number of events and only one job first to verify that things work ok.

condor_submit generatePU.sub

and be patient and watch as your quota goes away....Happy simulating!

There is also a wrapper script for the generation of the MinBias sample called runMinBias.sh and a corresponding generateMinBias.sub submission file. Functionality is exactly the same except that runMinBias.sh takes only the number of events as command line argument. As always, check all variables and paths in these scripts before running.

Depending on the number of events you want to simulate, you should generate N minBias events where N = Nevents * PU * OOT_PU_range

The PU is your max PU number so most likely 200, the PPT_PU_range is the number of BX that are simulated around the actual event to account for out-of-time Pileup. The default value is 15. Since N in the above quickly explodes, in practice it should be ok to generate a factor of 10 more minBias events than events you want to have as statistics. So for 10k events, use 100k minBias events.

Running the BRIL IT Cluster analyzer

The last step for now is running the ITclusterAnalyzer package written for CMSSW. It runs over the file you created in the last step and creates some histograms relevant for BRIL studies. It is a standard EDAnalyzer class in CMSSW and the source code can be found in CMSSW_10_4_0_pre2/src/BRIL_ITsim/ITclusterAnalyzer/plugins. Have a look. The config file is in CMSSW_10_4_0_pre2/src/BRIL_ITsim/ITclusterAnalyzer/python/ITclusterAnalyzer_cfg.py. You should edit this file to contain the right path for the step3 file you created in the previous step of the simulation and you can modify the cuts for coincidence searches if you want - you can also disable those. The file should be pretty self explanatory.

cd BRIL_ITsim
scram b -j8
cmsRun ITclusterAnalyzer/python/ITclusterAnalyzer_cfg.py

This will produce a summary.root file that you can inspect like so:

root summary.root
new TBrowser

Have a look around, try to understand the generated histograms and do with them what you like.

In case you were batch processing multiple jobs in parallel (or want to merge locally generated files) you can also use the runAnalysis.sh script in this repo. As usual, make sure the paths are ok in the file (meaning you need to change them!). IT will loop over all step3_pixel_PU_${PU}.${JOBID}.root files in your data directory and gernerate the summary.root files for each of them and merge them in the end. The only command line argument is the Pileup step to process (pay attention to provide a double, so for PU 10 use CMD line argument 10.0):

./runAnalysis.sh 10.0

to process all step3_XXXXX files for PU 10 and generate a single summary file for this pileup value.

if you have any bug reports or questions, contact me!


edm analyser for BRIL IT simulations


Language:Python 54.7%Language:C++ 35.8%Language:Shell 9.5%