zdelrosario / data-science-curriculum

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Make Command not Found

EllieRif opened this issue · comments

Hi @zdelrosario!

First of all, thanks for this course! It's really cool and I'm excited to really dive into it. That said, I'm hitting a snag that I'm hoping you can help with.

I can't get the makefile to run because it says the command make is not found (I tried this both in Git Bash and the RStudio terminal). I've been working through some of the exercises unmade but I'd rather have them like they're supposed to be!

I'm running on Windows, and I'm attaching screenshots of the errors so you can see them.

make command not found
exercises command not founbd

@EllieRif great to hear and thanks for pointing out this challenge! I put together some Windows-specific setup instructions to enable make, and have since linked them from the Git introduction.

Could you follow these instructions to set up and use Git Bash, and let me know if that allows you to successfully run make? It's possible you may run into new issues with make calling a python script.

@zdelrosario thank you so, so much for getting back to me and putting together the instructions--they were super clear & useful. I got make to run on the R terminal in the exercises directory, so now those are all set, but when I installed python and tried to run make to get the sequenced exercises to populate, I got the following error.
python permission denied

This is my bashrc (in case that's where the issue is).
bashrc in home directory

Weirdly enough, I quit out of git bash and r and when I relaunched them it was back to saying make not found.

But, the good news is I do have all the exercises made, even if not sequenced, so I can start working through them!

Configuring git bash on Windows can indeed be difficult; there are some very strange Python-related issues. Try taking a look at this SO post. But if that doesn't work, you can just manually run the prepend.py script in the directory to sequence the exercises.

Got it to work running the file directly. Thanks so much!
