zaproxy / zaproxy

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Target application is not accesible inside the Docker container behind proxy.

KristofKuli opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

We are using ZAP Proxy on self-hosted agent pool, behind proxy and the target application is not accessible. The pipeline fails with OSError: [Errno 5] ZAP failed to access: Interestingly, when we run the below command on the same agent pool, the connection works.
docker run -t curl -v

If we are using a different self-hosted agent pool, where proxy is not used, then the connection works. The command being used for both pools is:
docker run --user root -v /agent/_work*:/zap/wrk/:rw -v /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt:/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt -e http_proxy -e https_proxy -e HTTP_PROXY -e HTTPS_PROXY --name zap_scan -t -t ${{}} -g gen.conf -I -x issues.xml -r scan-report.html

${{}} equals to

Could you please help us understand what could be the issue?

Steps to reproduce the behavior

Since we are using self-hosted agent pool, behind proxy, this can't reproduced.

Expected behavior

ZAP proxy can connect to the endpoint.

Software versions


No response

Errors from the zap.log file

ERROR [Errno 5] ZAP failed to access:
2024-03-01 16:51:18,870 I/O error: [Errno 5] ZAP failed to access:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/zap/", line 348, in main
zap_access_target(zap, target)
File "/zap/", line 108, in _wrap
return_data = func(*args_list, **kwargs)
File "/zap/", line 404, in zap_access_target
raise IOError(errno.EIO, 'ZAP failed to access: {0}'.format(target))
OSError: [Errno 5] ZAP failed to access:

Additional context

No response

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That's because you are not configuring ZAP to use the proxy (ZAP does not read/use the HTTP*_PROXY env vars, maybe it should).

Thanks for the suggestion. How should I configure ZAP then? I didn't find any relevant information in the documentation. Even if we remove the env vars from the docker run command, the issue still persist.

For the time being that would have to be done with -config args, e.g.:

-config network.connection.httpProxy.enabled=true -config -config network.connection.httpProxy.port=1234

Since you are using the packaged scans that would have to be passed through -z arg:

Somewhat relevant issue: #8360.

I have tried the above mentioned suggestion, replacing the values to our proxy, but then I receive the following error:
ERROR [Errno 5] Failed to connect to ZAP after 600 seconds
2024-03-12 08:22:29,348 I/O error: [Errno 5] Failed to connect to ZAP after 600 seconds

Please ask on the ZAP User Group not on a closed issue.