zapier / zapier-platform

The SDK for you to build an integration on Zapier

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[Bug]: zapier push fails with npm workspaces

mdesousa opened this issue · comments

Bug Description

Executing zapier push fails with an error:

Looks like you're missing a local installation of zapier-platform-core. Run `npm install` to resolve

Reproduction Steps

  1. in the package.json at the root of the monorepo, add a folder /my-adapter and include it in the list of workspaces (see npm workspaces)
  2. from the monorepo root, install zapier packages: npm install zapier-platform-cli zapier-platform-core --workspace my-adapter
  3. implement the code for a zapier adapter in /my-adapter
  4. cd ./my-adapter && npm run build && npx zapier push throws an error complaining about missing local installation

Zapier Platform version


Node.js version


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npm/yarn version


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More Details

No response

same issue with pnpm workspaces! did you find a solution? most likely due to simlinks...

we are using a workaround:

  • temporarily remove the workspace from /package.json
  • cd ./my-adapter && npm install && npm run build && npx zapier push

for pnpm users, this can be a bit simpler.

to build:

  • if you are using workspace:* dependencies, use jq to remove them. note that you can only use workspace deps as dev dependencies
  • pnpm install --ignore-workspaces
  • zapier build

to reset after build (if required):

  • add workspace deps back
  • remove pnpm-lock.yml and./build and node_modules
  • run pnpm install
    "clean": "rm -rf .turbo && rm -rf lint-results && rm -rf .nyc_output && rm -rf node_modules && rm -rf dist && rm -rf build && rm pnpm-lock.yaml",
    "build": "contents=\"$(jq 'del(..|select(. == \"workspace:*\"))' package.json)\" && echo \"${contents}\" > package.json && pnpm install --ignore-workspace && zapier build",
    "reset": "contents=\"$(jq '.devDependencies.\"@hellomateo/eslint-config-custom-node\" = \"workspace:*\" | .devDependencies.\"@hellomateo/prettier-config\" = \"workspace:*\" | .devDependencies.\"@hellomateo/jest-presets\" = \"workspace:*\"' package.json)\" && echo \"${contents}\" > package.json && pnpm run clean && pnpm install",
    "deploy": "if [ \"$ENV\" = \"dev\" ]; then pnpm run build && zapier upload && pnpm run reset; else echo \"pnpm run promote\"; fi"

Getting the same issue with yarn workspaces.

Getting the same issue with a lerna monorepo. A solution that works for us is downgrading to 13.0.0