zapaz / 2023-01-19-blockswap-fv

private certora blockswap contest on code4rena

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Zero Div

zapaz opened this issue · comments


Five functions may reverts due to division by zero, when number of registered knot is zero

Theses reverts are demonstrated in 5 rules in this spec file :

Inside public previewUnclaimedETHAsCollateralizedSlotOwner() function :

uint256 accumulatedSoFar = accumulatedETHPerCollateralizedSlotPerKnot+ 
((calculateETHForFreeFloatingOrCollateralizedHolders() - 
lastSeenETHPerCollateralizedSlotPerKnot) / numberOfRegisteredKnots);

Inside public getUnprocessedETHForAllFreeFloatingSlot() function
also called by calculateNewAccumulatedETHPerCollateralizedSharePerKnot():

return ((calculateETHForFreeFloatingOrCollateralizedHolders() - 
lastSeenETHPerCollateralizedSlotPerKnot) / numberOfRegisteredKnots);

Inside internal _calculateCollateralizedETHOwedPerKnot() function :

uint256 collateralizedSLOTShareOfETHPerKnot = 
(collateralizedSLOTShareOfETH / numberOfRegisteredKnots);

Inside internal _calculateNewAccumulatedETHPerCollateralizedShare() function :

return (_ethSinceLastUpdate * PRECISION) / (numberOfRegisteredKnots * 4 ether);

Assessment: Low

We will add more graceful error handling when number of knots is zero. Thank you

The bug is in getUnprocessedETHForAllCollateralizedSlot not getUnprocessedETHForAllFreeFloatingSlot. Since this DOS is only in view functions which are not called by any critical functions, users can still unstake after all knots have been deregistered. Therefore I agree that this is low severity.