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Double Attachments created when sending multiple pictures over WhatsApp to Zammad

Mirtaaa opened this issue · comments

Used Zammad Version



  • Installation method: [e.g. source, package]
  • Operating system (if you're unsure: cat /etc/os-release ): [e.g. debian 10.4, ubuntu 20.04]
  • Database + version: [e.g. postgresql 9.3, mysql 5.7, mariadb 10.3]
  • Elasticsearch version: [e.g. 7.17]
  • Browser + version: [e.g. chrome 83, safari 14, firefox 105]

Actual behaviour

When I send multiple pictures over WhatsApp to my Zammad instance, every picture is apearing twice in the ticket as 2 separate articles.

Screenshot 2024-05-07 140650

Expected behaviour

When sending multiple Pictures over WhatsApp to my Zammad instance, every picture should appear only once.

Steps to reproduce the behaviour

Send multiple pictures at once over WhatsApp to your Zammad Instance.

Support Ticket

No response

I'm sure this is a bug and no feature request or a general question.
