zalmoxisus / remotedev-server

Connect Redux DevTools extension to a remote app.

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uWS error, no pre-compiled binary available need a supported c++11 compiler

goleary opened this issue · comments

I'm a bit at a loss, having installed multiple different c++ compilers and nuked my npm cache/node installation to no avail. perhaps the uws version needs to be upgraded to a supported version?
running windows 10 node v8.11.2 remotedev-server 0.2.4

I am getting the same but with the beta version. It's from socketcluster

Also problems install sqlite3, but sqlite4 installs no problem.

@goleary - I just found an ugly way around it.

Somewhere install uws (hopefully the latest version builds for you), then move it.

npm install uws
mv node_modules/socketcluster-server/node_modules/uws node_modules/socketcluster-server/node_modules/uws-old
mv node_modules/uws node_modules/socketcluster-server/node_modules/

Just solved this problem using this one npm install --global --production windows-build-tools
source: SocketCluster/socketcluster#298

@michaellee8 thanks, this solved my issue! It still failed the first time I tried to run remotedev after installing the build-tools but on subsequent attempts it seems to be working correctly.

@timc3 Wow! Replaceduws@8.14.0 with uws@10.148.1 via your method and it worked! I had thought socketcluser-server would choke on breaking changes between the two versions but apparently not.

@michaellee8 I presume that is just for Windows?

@timc3 I guess that solution is just for windows since it install windows c++ build tools. However, on linux, you should check out if you've got proper c++ build tool likr g++ or clang and configured properly.

I get this error in Windows and Linux

npm rebuild uws