zalmoxisus / mobx-remotedev

MobX DevTools extension

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

MobX 6 (Cannot obtain atom from undefined)

Aleksandern opened this issue · comments


Doesn't work with MobX 6:
[MobX] Cannot obtain atom from undefined


Hi Mihail,
Do you still maintain this package?

I am not the maintainer, but I had the same issue and solved.

You might need to upgrade mobx-state-tree package to rc version. (v4)
Same for mst-middlewares.

npm install mobx-state-tree@rc;
npm install mst-middlewares@rc;
yarn add mobx-state-tree@rc;
yarn add mst-middlewares@rc;

Check this Issue: mobxjs/mobx-state-tree#1569

Are there any replacements for this package ( if it's not maintained anymore ) ?

@Aleksandern I've switched from Redux devtools to a simple browser logger:

I am going to add Redux devtools support but for me it's no longer needed, because the logger already covers most of its usecases like inspecting store, calling actions and computeds.


Can your logger work with React Native Debugger

@Aleksandern Unfortunately I am not familiar with this tool as well as React Native development in general.