zalmoxisus / mobx-remotedev

MobX DevTools extension

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

new instance -> TypeError: _dec is not a function

mi4uu opened this issue · comments


I use global store as described in
so I'm decorating class with @RemoteDev(/{ config }/) like this:

import ProjectsStore from './projects'
import OperatorsStore from './operators'
import StepsStore from './steps'
import remotedev from 'mobx-remotedev'
@remotedev(/*{ config }*/)
export class RootStore {
    constructor() {
      this.projectsStore = new ProjectsStore(this)
      this.operatorsStore = new OperatorsStore(this)
      this.stepsStore = new StepsStore(this)

export default new RootStore()

and creating instance of it that is provided to Provider which lead to error:

TypeError: _dec is not a function
  3 | import StepsStore from './steps'
  4 | import remotedev from 'mobx-remotedev'
  5 | @remotedev(/*{ config }*/)
> 6 | export class RootStore {
  7 |     constructor() {
  8 |       this.projectsStore = new ProjectsStore(this)
  9 |       this.operatorsStore = new OperatorsStore(this)

working application (without remotedev) is here

I'm getting the same error - using mobx@4

Hi, I am getting the same error

It looks like you should not invoke the decorator as a function (notice the lack of () in @remotedev):

class SomeStore {}

That at least gets rid of the error for me.