zalandoresearch / psgan

Periodic Spatial Generative Adversarial Networks

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Suggestion on issue with sub_name and texture_dir

miqbal23 opened this issue · comments

I have issue in saving the image result of each epochs in the folder samples

It looks like the problem lies in these lines :

self.sub_name    = "honey"#'hex1'#
self.texture_dir = home + "/DILOG/dcgan_code-master/texture_gan/%s/" % self.sub_name

Suggestion : seeing your code in the notebook, I tried this approach

self.sub_name    = "texture"#'hex1'#
self.texture_dir = os.getcwd() + "/%s/" % self.sub_name


you are right, automatically detecting the home folder path is better than hard coding its name in the config file.